Article archive

Archimedes: Separating Myth From Science

30/06/2013 14:47
By KENNETH CHANG Published: June 24, 2013 For the last time: Archimedes did not invent a death ray. But more than 2,200 years after his death, his inventions are still driving technological innovations — so much so that experts from around the world gathered recently for a conference at New...

Hidden Magnetic Portals Around Earth Discovered By Scientists

30/06/2013 14:43
29 June, 2013 - A favorite theme of science fiction is "the portal"--an extraordinary opening in space or time that connects travelers to distant realms. A good portal is a shortcut, a guide, a door into the unknown. If only they actually existed.... It turns out that they do,...

Tapping into the fluoride debate: How an industrial-grade chemical is taking over our water and why we should take note

28/06/2013 17:52
Friday, June 28, 2013 by: Nanditha (NaturalNews) A 1950s-style, archaic approach to public health safety has taken over. Fluoridation of water has an overwhelmingly large body of evidence that states it is not only unnecessary, but downright unethical, ineffective and unhealthy. The purported...

Time Travel: A Journey To The Fourth Dimension And The Incredible Science Of Dr. Who

28/06/2013 06:26 - The possibility of time travel have fascinated mankind for ages. We are all familiar with the concept of the time machine, from H.G. Wells to current sci-fi writers, and there are physicists who say we cannot rule out time travel. Even though time travel is generally associated...

Teleportation Experiments Continue - Record-Breaking Distance of 143 Kilometers Achieved!

28/06/2013 06:24 - An international research team including several scientists from the University of Waterloo has achieved quantum teleportation over a record-breaking distance of 143 kilometres through free space. The experiment saw the successful teleportation of quantum information — in this...

This Island Nation May Be Gone In 60 Years Because Of Climate Change

28/06/2013 06:18
Dina Spector Jun. 25, 2013, On Tuesday, President Obama proposed new limits on carbon dioxide emitted from existing power plants, and other efforts to reduce gases linked to climate change from entering the air. For sinking island nations like Kiribati, however, that plan is likely too little,...

Alien Message Can Be Hidden In Your DNA Do We All Carry A Cosmic Greeting Card?

26/06/2013 09:34 - While SETI is busy searching for signals from alien civilizations, there are scientists who think we can find proof of advanced extraterrestrial life much closer to home - namely in our DNA! Instead of leaving artefacts for humans to find once they are sufficiently evolved, an...

Unlocking The Mysterious, Powerful 'Second Intelligence' Hiding Behind Our Conscious Minds

26/06/2013 09:31 - The unconscious mind is considered by many psychological scientists to be a shadow of the "real" conscious mind. In order to find out more about the significance of our unconscious mind, a group of scientists have used some rather controversial methods to unlock the mysteries...

Prehistoric Artifacts Out Of Nowhere - Their Origin And Purpose Are Totally Unknown

26/06/2013 09:29
25 June, 2013 - These strange artifacts are symmetrical in design and very skillfully manufactured. In form they appear to be quite modern, but they are not. These prehistoric artifacts of unknown origin were found mainly in Scotland and a few of them in England and Ireland. Many...

Virtual Technology Creating "Out-Of-Body" Experiences Can Be Used To Overcome Social Anxiety

26/06/2013 09:27
25 June, 2013 - Scientists have demonstrated that out-of-body experiences have a positive effect on people who try to overcome social anxiety. Out-of-body experiences is a subject that definitely should be studied in the future said scientists who participated in the study. New...
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