Article archive

Secret Properties Of Water - Still A Mystery!

16/06/2013 06:59 - The true nature of water is unknown. It has a variety of absolutely fascinating properties, we still known very little about. One of its most unique properties is that water has a memory and its behavior can be compared to our modern CD storing digital data or magnetic...

Artificial Intelligence: Super-Turing Machine Imitates Human Brain

16/06/2013 06:57 - As computer scientists this year celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the mathematical genius Alan Turing, who set out the basis for digital computing in the 1930s to anticipate the electronic age, they still quest after a machine as adaptable and intelligent as the...

First Evidence Of Parallel Universes Our Universe Could Be Part Of A Soap Bubble

16/06/2013 06:54
16 June 2013 - The idea that our Universe could be a small component within a vast assemblage of other universes that together make up a "multiverse" has been treated by physicists as intriguing, but so far it has remained in the realm of theory without any experimental tests...

Our Universe Is A Gigantic And Wonderfully Detailed Holographic Illusion

16/06/2013 06:53 - In our daily life we are not aware that we may, in fact, live in a hologram and our existence is a holographic projection, nothing more. All what we believe is real, our whole physical world, is - in fact - an illusion being proved by the holographic universe, one of the most...

Several "God Spots" Are Responsible For Spirituality New Research Says

16/06/2013 06:52 - Spirituality plays an important part in many peoples' daily life. For years scientists have wondered whether there is a particular place in the brain, a so-called "God spot" that is responsible for spirituality. What mechanism does determine why a person is more spiritual than...

Death Is Just An Illusion: We Continue To Live In A Parallel Universe

16/06/2013 06:50 - For as long as anyone can remember philosophers, scientists and religious men have pondered what happens after death. Is there life after death, or do we just vanish into the great unknown? There is also a possibility there is no such thing as what we usually define as death. A...

Our Brain Is A Holographic Machine Existing In A Holographic Universe

16/06/2013 06:49 - Stanford brain researcher and the quantum physicist, Dr. Karl Pribram, was long puzzled by a perplexing question of how and where memories are stored in the brain. Did they possess specific locations in the brain? While trying to figure out where in the brain memories are...

Our Creator Is A Cosmic Computer Programmer - Says JPL Scientist

16/06/2013 06:47 - Are we just a computer simulation? Who or what is the creator? More and more scientists are now seriously considering the possibility that we might live in a matrix, and they say that evidence could be all around us. Rich Terrell, from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,...

Matrix Dilemma - Do Humans Live In The Ultimate Computer Game Of The Superior Ones?

16/06/2013 06:46 - It's not science fiction anymore. There's a distinct possibility that the universe, our life, and everything around us are part of a vast, living and 3D holographic simulation conducted by "someone" invisible and superior to everything known in the universe! Is it the ultimate...

Invisible Aliens: Extraterrestrial Life May Be Beyond Human Understanding

16/06/2013 06:44 - Are alien civilizations invisible to our technology? Do aliens exist in forms we cannot conceive, as several scientists pointed out? Have we been looking in the wrong place, at the wrong time, in the wrong way?, asked Dr. Paul Davies from Arizona State University. Xenology is a...
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