Article archive

Brain Makes Call On Which Ear Is Used for Cell Phone

20/05/2013 07:39
May 16, 2013 — If you're a left-brain thinker, chances are you use your right hand to hold your cell phone up to your right ear, according to a newly published study from Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. [Read more] ...

How Space Tourism Could Help Save Planet Earth

20/05/2013 07:34
by Mike Wall, Senior Writer Date: 19 May 2013 Time: 12:35 PM ET AN MATEO, Calif. — Opening spaceflight up to the masses could help spark a global conservation ethic that stems the tide of environmental destruction on Earth, NASA's science chief says. Seeing our fragile...

Human Cloning? Stem Cell Advance Reignites Ethics Debate

20/05/2013 07:30
Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer Date: 17 May 2013 Time: 06:11 PM ET A new stem cell discovery has reawakened controversy about human cloning — though technical challenges mean scientists are far from being able to create human babies as in Michael Bay's 2005 sci-fi flick...

US government claims 100% ownership over all your DNA and reproductive rights; genetic slavery is already here

20/05/2013 05:58
Sunday, May 19, 2013 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (NaturalNews) The United States government claims 100% ownership over all your DNA and reproductive rights. This astonishing revelation has emerged from the fact that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office claims the...

Brain frontal lobes not sole centre of human intelligence

20/05/2013 05:54
by Staff Writers Durham UK (SPX) May 21, 2013 Human intelligence cannot be explained by the size of the brain's frontal lobes, say researchers. Research into the comparative size of the frontal lobes in humans and other species has determined that they are not - as previously thought -...

Scientists Close To Fill Missing Piece Of Einstein’s Theory

17/05/2013 13:17
17 May, 2013 -Scientists at the University of Nevada, Reno and Stanford University propose a new device that would detect elusive gravity waves from the other end of the cosmos. "Gravitational waves represent one of the missing pieces of Einstein's theory of general relativity,"...

Cloning Is Used to Create Embryonic Stem Cells

17/05/2013 06:53
By ANDREW POLLACK Published: May 15, 2013 Scientists have finally succeeded in using cloning to create human embryonic stem cells, a step toward developing replacement tissue to treat diseases but one that might also hasten the day when it will be possible to create cloned babies. [Read more]...

Fishing for Memories: How Long-Term Memories Are Processed to Guide Behavior

17/05/2013 06:51
May 16, 2013 — In our interaction with our environment we constantly refer to past experiences stored as memories to guide behavioral decisions. But how memories are formed, stored and then retrieved to assist decision-making remains a mystery. By observing whole-brain activity in live zebrafish,...

Brilliant Science Blunders: Astrophysicist Mario Livio Speaks Out

17/05/2013 06:45
by Clara Moskowitz, Assistant Managing Editor Date: 17 May 2013 Time: 07:00 AM ET Everyone makes mistakes — even Einstein. The truth is, many of the world's greatest scientists made significant blunders along the path toward genius, which should be comforting news for the rest...

Sci-Fi Film 'After Earth' Presents Dark Future for Humanity

17/05/2013 06:43
by Miriam Kramer, Staff Writer Date: 17 May 2013 Time: 09:00 AM ET The Earth is a pretty bleak place for humans in the new science fiction movie, "After Earth." Set 1,000 years in the future, "After Earth" depicts a future in which humanity is forced to abandon Earth in search...
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