Article archive

Quantum Physics: Look But Don't Touch

15/05/2013 22:54
by Staff Writers Madrid, Spain (SPX) May 15, 2013 Improving our understanding of the human brain, gathering insights into the origin of our universe through the detection of gravitational waves, or optimizing the precision of GPS systems- all are difficult challenges to master because they require...

Not Only Brain's Frontal Lobes Account For Human intelligence

15/05/2013 08:27
14 May 2013 - The size of our frontal lobes cannot solely account for humans’ superior cognitive abilities, researchers say. Research into the comparative size of the frontal lobes in humans and other species has determined that they are not - as previously thought -...

Water on moon, Earth have a common source

14/05/2013 09:02
by Staff Writers Providence RI (SPX) May 14, 2013 Water inside the Moon's mantle came from primitive meteorites, new research finds, the same source thought to have supplied most of the water on Earth. The findings raise new questions about the process that formed the Moon. [Read more] ...

Earth's Rotating Inner Core Shifts Its Speed

14/05/2013 08:42
14 May 2013 By Charles Q. Choi, OurAmazingPlanet Contributor | Earth's solid-metal inner core is a key component of the planet, helping to give rise to the magnetic field that protects us from harmful space radiation, but its remoteness from the planet's surface means that there...

Ancient Script Reveals Mysterious Location Of Legendary Hanging Garden Of Babylon

14/05/2013 08:37
13 May, 2013The location of the legendary Hanging Garden of Babylon is still one of the great mysteries from antiquity. - The fabled Hanging Garden of Babylon has since ancient times been recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of the World - but no trace of it has ever been...

Earliest Archaeological Evidence of Human Ancestors Hunting and Scavenging

13/05/2013 23:37
by Staff Writers Waco TX (SPX) May 13, 2013 A recent Baylor University research study has shed new light on the diet and food acquisition strategies of some the earliest human ancestors in Africa. Beginning around two million years ago, early stone tool-making humans, known scientifically as...

U. S. Approves Bee Death Pesticide as E.U. Bans It

12/05/2013 17:26
Anthony Guiccardi NEWS REPORT Corporate politics is business as usual inside the United States, as I am once again shocked to report the EPA has sided with industry lobbyists over public health in approving a highly dangerous pesticide that the European Union recently decided to ban...

Worldwide ‘March Against Monsanto’ Protests Planned for May 25th

12/05/2013 17:22
Anthony Gucciardi News Report Countless individuals will soon assemble in small and large groups around the nation and the globe alike in protest against Monsanto’s genetic manipulation of the food supply. Organized under the May 25th movement known as the ‘March on Monsanto’, the massive...

Quantum physics has confirmed it - the universe is comprised of information: Here's what it means

12/05/2013 12:17
Sunday, May 12, 2013 by: Zach C. Miller (NaturalNews) As quantum physics can now confirm, the universe we live in is not made up of solid objects but of energy and information. This discovery holds vast implications for understanding the nature of our world and in understanding the true source of...

Human impacts on natural world underestimated

10/05/2013 17:35
by Staff Writers Calgary, Canada (SPX) May 10, 2013 A comprehensive five-year study by University of Calgary ecologists - which included monitoring the activity of wolves, elks, cattle and humans - indicates that two accepted principles of how ecosystems naturally operate could be overshadowed by...
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