Article archive

Origins of Maya Civilization More Complex Than Thought

26/04/2013 20:37
26 April, 2013 - Did Maya develop almost entirely on its own in the jungles of what is now Guatemala and southern Mexico? Or was the Maya flourishing the result of direct influences from the older Olmec civilization and its center of La Venta? The Maya civilization is well-known...

Ancient DNA reveals Europe's dynamic genetic history

25/04/2013 17:38
by Staff Writers Adelaide, Australia (SPX) Apr 26, 2013 Ancient DNA recovered from a series of skeletons in central Germany up to 7500 years old has been used to reconstruct the first detailed genetic history of modern Europe. [Read more] ...

The Evidences for a Recent Dating for Adam, about 14,000 to 15,000 years Before Present

25/04/2013 11:58
Genesis 2:15 - "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it." Genesis 3:23 - "Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken." Genesis 4:2 - "And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a...

Ancient skeletons reveal genetic 'history' of Europe's peoples

25/04/2013 11:56
by Staff Writers Adelaide, Australia (UPI) Apr 23, 2013 DNA recovered from skeletons in central Germany, some up to 7,500 years old, has yielded the first detailed genetic history of modern Europe, researchers say. Scientists at the University of Adelaide's Australian Center for Ancient DNA said...

Why does anything exist? Scientists find a bit of the answer

25/04/2013 05:36
By Ben Hirschler | Reuters April 25, 2013   LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists probing the nature of antimatter have found a bit more evidence to explain why the universe is not an empty husk, although not enough to account for the billions of galaxies strewn across the cosmos. Physicists believe...

Here's How Many Tons Of Rock You Have To Mine Just For An Ounce Of Gold

25/04/2013 02:10
Sam Ro | Apr. 24, 2013, 12:52 PM   It's incredible how much work goes into retrieving the tiniest amounts of gold. In its earnings announcement this morning, Barrick Gold published some mining statistics for its first quarter. As you can see from the numbers below, some sites are more rich...

The 'Greenest' Galaxy Billion Light-Years Away Busy With Star Formation At Its Most Extreme!

24/04/2013 15:29
24 April, 2013 - Astronomers have spotted the "greenest" of galaxies, one that converts fuel into stars with almost 100-percent efficiency. "This galaxy is remarkably efficient," said Jim Geach of McGill University in Canada, lead author of a new study appearing in the...

Unexplained Change In Europeans' DNA 4000-5000 Years Ago Remains A Mystery

24/04/2013 15:27
24 April, 2013 - A new study indicates that the genetic markers of this first pan-European culture, were suddenly replaced around 4500 years ago. Scientists don't know why. A sudden genetic turnover that took place a few millennia ago remains unexplained. Ancient DNA recovered...

Six supplements that could make a difference when exposed to bioterrorism or other poison agents

24/04/2013 04:23
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 by: Tony Isaacs (NaturalNews) The horrific bombings at the Boston Marathon and the ricin-laced letters sent to government officials served as unsettling reminders that terrorist acts, including poisonings, can and do happen. When it comes to poisons, thousands of people...

Is Reality an Illusion?

23/04/2013 21:35
Enlightenment, to me, means the lifting of belief systems and conditioning, and a “lighter” way of seeing the world.  Most people see enemies, separation and catastrophe when they step foot into the world. The cave represents the imprisonment of our mind that we reside in. The prisoners are...
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