Article archive

DNA study suggests human immunity to disease has ethnicity basis

22/04/2013 22:08
by Staff Writers Burnaby, British Columbia (UPI) Apr 19, 2013 Immunity to disease may vary depending on ethnicity so designing treatments that will work for everybody may be impossible, U.S. and Canadian researchers say. DNA sequencing suggests human antibody genes and how well they operate -- and...

A new twist for quantum systems

22/04/2013 22:05
by Staff Writers Zurich, Switzerland (SPX) Apr 22, 2013 To maneuver a car into a parking spot parallel to the road can be quite a challenge. It would be an easy task, of course, if only the vehicle could move sideways. As this is not possible, the sideways motion must be pieced together - sometimes...

Physicists Control Light Direction For The First Time - Crucial Milestone In Physics!

20/04/2013 04:32
19 April, 2013 - Previously unseen levels of control over the travelling direction of electromagnetic waves in waveguides has been achieved by researchers at King's College London. Their ground-breaking results could have far-reaching benefits for the way light is controlled in...

Fascinating rhythm: The brain's 'slow waves'

20/04/2013 04:22
by Staff Writers Munich, Germany (SPX) Apr 19, 2013 New findings clarify where and how the brain's "slow waves" originate. These rhythmic signal pulses, which sweep through the brain during deep sleep at the rate of about one cycle per second, are assumed to play a role in processes such as...

Habitable Worlds? New Kepler Planetary Systems in Images

19/04/2013 06:03
by Nancy Atkinson on April 18, 2013 The Kepler mission has discovered two new planetary systems that include three super-Earth-size planets in the “habitable zone,” the range of distance from a star where the surface temperature of an orbiting planet might be suitable for liquid water. [Read more]...

Big Bang Didn't Need God, Stephen Hawking Says

19/04/2013 06:00
Rod Pyle, Contributor Date: 17 April 2013   PASADENA, Calif. — Our universe didn't need any divine help to burst into being, famed cosmologist Stephen Hawking told a packed house here at the California Institute of Technology Tuesday night (April 16). [Read more]...

New Kepler exoplanets 'best candidates' for hosting life

19/04/2013 05:42
By Nancy Atkinson, Universe Today / April 18, 2013 Data from NASA's planet-hunting Kepler mission has revealed two small, potentially rocky planets within their star's habitable zone. This might be the most exciting exoplanet news yet. An international team of scientists analyzing data...

Is A 'Mirror World' Hiding Behind Elusive Mysterious Dark Matter?

19/04/2013 05:29
18 April, 2013 - Many scientific labs are trying to detect dark matter, since the Earth is moving in a cosmic wind of dark matter. String theory makes specific, testable predictions about the physical properties of dark matter because dark matter is probably a higher vibration of...

Two Alien Water Worlds With No Land In Sight Discovered!

19/04/2013 05:27
18 April, 2013 - In our solar system, only one planet is blessed with an ocean: Earth. Our home world is a rare, blue jewel compared with the deserts of Mercury, Venus, and Mars. But what if our sun had not one but two habitable ocean worlds? [Read more] ...

"Physical Intelligence" - DARPA Constructs Robots With "Real" Brain

18/04/2013 09:38
17 April, 2013 - We might soon hear a new generation of robots say they will act and think just like humans. The ambitious goal of DARPA's project "physical intelligence" is to create robots that are controlled by a living brain! We have previously seen that it is possible to...
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