Article archive

GM salmon rejected by Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Aldi and other food retailers

21/03/2013 17:48
Thursday, March 21, 2013 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (NaturalNews) In yet another blow to GMOs, several major U.S. food retailers have signed on to the "Campaign for GE-Free Seafood" found at These retailers include Whole Foods,...

'Monsanto Protection Act' to be voted on by Congress - take action now to fight back against biotech tyranny

21/03/2013 17:45
Thursday, March 21, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) The U.S. Congress is right now moving forward with the passage of the 2013 Agricultural Appropriations Bill (AAB), also known as H.R. 933, which currently contains an added "rider" that would allow agricultural biotechnology...

Star Caught Circling Black Hole at Record-Breaking Speed

21/03/2013 14:16
by Megan Gannon, News Editor Astronomers have spotted a star in our galaxy that races around a black hole at a breakneck speed, orbiting once every 2.4 hours, scientists say. The black hole in the spinning duo is known as MAXI J1659-152 and is at least three times more massive than the sun. The...

Has Voyager 1 Left Our Solar System And Reached Interstellar Space?

21/03/2013 05:29
20 March, 2013 - Sudden changes in cosmic rays indicate that Voyager 1 has left our solar system and is heading straight for interstellar space, but not all scientists agree this is the case and the debate continues. The heliosphere is a region of space dominated by the Sun and...

Man creates car that runs on liquid air

20/03/2013 05:12
by Staff Writers London (UPI) Mar 17, 2013 A British man says he has converted his car to run on liquid oxygen. Peter Dearman converted the engine on his 25-year-old Vauxhall Nova to only powered only by liquid air, ABC News reported. [Read more] ...

Earth will drown in garbage

19/03/2013 08:57
by Nikita Sorokin Moscow (Voice of Russia) Mar 19, 2013 Man-made garbage cluttering from near space is a very intensive process. Therefore, it may happen that within the coming 20 years safe near-Earth orbits which it would be possible to use will become non-existent. [Read more] ...

Our Perception Of Time Are Linked To Our Experiences Of Moving Through Space

19/03/2013 06:26 - We say that time flies, it marches on, it flows like a river—our descriptions of time are closely linked to our experiences of moving through space. Now, new research suggests that the illusions that influence how we perceive movement through space also influence our perception...

Two Astonishing Cases Of Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time

19/03/2013 06:23 - If a person told you he has visited the past or future, you would probably not believe him. If the same person revealed to you that he is a regular time traveler, you would most likely never talk to him again. The subject of time travel is considered to be just as fascinating...

Time Travel Communication: Sending Messages Through Time Can Be Possible - Says Professor

19/03/2013 06:20 - Is time travel possible? Can we send messages back in time? Can we talk to our future selves? These are questions that have been widely debated among scientists for a very long time. "Time is a dimension, but it's so unsual in that sense that we can only move forward in it as...

Strange Encounters With Analog And Digital Life-Forms On Alien Worlds

19/03/2013 06:15
18 March, 2013 - The Universe can be full of strange and fascinating life-forms that are almost beyond our imagination. What could be out there? What would they look like?  We cannot say with certainty what kind of extraterrestrial civilizations we would encounter on alien...
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