Article archive

Is Extraterrestrial Visitation Common?

19/03/2013 04:59
The number of people who now believe that there is interplanetary travel has now reached the critical mass. A remainder still staunchly reject the acceptance of this belief, but that rejection is a shell to protect the rest of their beliefs, for if they are wrong about extraterrestrial visits, then...

Vanished! Unexplained Disappearances

19/03/2013 04:57
By Stephen Wagner, Guide History is peppered with intriguing tales of people who, for all intents and purposes, inexplicably vanish from the face of the earth without a trace. These stories - some of the most fascinating in the annals of the unexplained - vary from being well-documented...

About Time - What Does Buddhism Teach About Time?

19/03/2013 04:51
By Barbara O'Brien, Guide We all know what time is. Or do we? Read some explanations of time from the perspective of physics, and you may wonder. Well, Buddhist teaching about time can be a bit daunting, also. [Read more] ...

Time Storms in The Matrix

19/03/2013 04:49
By Stephen Wagner, Guide On this quantum level, if I understand it correctly, matter seems to exist as both particles and waves - or the potential to be either - and how it ultimately behaves is determined by observation. [Read more] ...

Time Travelers

19/03/2013 04:44
By Stephen Wagner, Guide Where and to what date would you go if you could travel through time? It's a question people have long enjoyed contemplating - the possibilities are so fraught with wonder and excitement. Would you watch the pyramids of Egypt being build? Join the spectacle of a...

Encounters with Little People

19/03/2013 04:30
By Stephen Wagner, Guide MANY CULTURES AROUND the world have their legends and folklore about "little people" - elves, fairies, gnomes, elementals, or simply the "wee folk". In Scandinavia they are the Tomte or Nisse; the Nimerigar, Yunwi Tsundi, and Mannegishi of various Native American...

Five reasons your liver is begging you to detox

18/03/2013 17:14
Monday, March 18, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Years of poor dietary habits and an influx in the use and ingestion of an increasing amount of harmful chemicals have left tens of millions of people with far too many toxins in their body, a phenomenon which can be especially harmful to the...

The BPA challenge - Reduce exposure and detoxify in five days or fewer

18/03/2013 17:12
Monday, March 18, 2013 by: Carolanne Wright (NaturalNews) Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of those modern toxins that is difficult to dodge. Found in an assortment of plastic food packaging, drink containers and even credit card receipts, it's impossible to completely avoid. And the general public is...

The GMO saga continues (opinion)

18/03/2013 17:10
Monday, March 18, 2013 by: Hesh Goldstein (NaturalNews) So, there's this guy named Richard Brill that is a professor of science at the Honolulu Community College that wrote an article for our newspaper about GMOs that was relatively innocuous. The article was entitled, "GMO crops could trigger...

Scientists want to bring 24 animals back from extinction

18/03/2013 10:06
On Friday at a National Geographic sponsored TEDx conference, scientists met in Washington, D.C. to discuss which animals we should bring back from extinction. They also discussed the how, why, and ethics of doing so. [Read more] ...
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