Article archive

How schools are getting kids to eat healthier foods

12/03/2013 17:14
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by: Antonia (NaturalNews) In an effort to encourage kids to eat more of nature's cleansing and nourishing foods, fruits and vegetables, schools are participating in growing programs, and finding that kids are more apt to try foods that they grow and prepare themselves. [Read...

Kids, eat your vegetables or you could turn into a bunch of celery

12/03/2013 17:12
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by: Wendy Merrill (NaturalNews) Mother Nature sure is amazing! She has thought of everything to keep humans healthy. So why is She seemingly ignored? Have humans become so jaded and oblivious to the world around that they have missed her very blatant signs disguised as...

Empathic therapy vs. modern psychiatry: The future of human services

12/03/2013 17:10
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by: Peter Breggin (NaturalNews) Three years ago my wife Ginger and I decided to form the Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy, Education and Living (a nonprofit 501c3). The organization is founded on twin principles of equal importance: First, modern psychiatric theory...

What's behind Whole Foods' decision to label GMOs in their stores?

12/03/2013 17:07
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by: Jon Rappoport (NaturalNews) Whole Foods has announced that, by 2018, it will label all products in its stores that contain genetically-modified ingredients. Mike Adams, at, has written an excellent article covering this development. You should read it....

Young girl scout petitions for GMO-free cookies, setting example for children

12/03/2013 17:05
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by: PF Louis (NaturalNews) A young Orange County, California girl scout, Alicia Serratos, has started a petition to stop making Girl Scout cookies with GMO ingredients. Although the source article for this story had the petition signature count at 100, as of this...

11-year-old girl spontaneously combusts in hospital bed due to hand sanitizer, olive oil

12/03/2013 17:02
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) What is intended to help keep germs away and patients safe resulted in second- and third-degree burns for a young girl from Oregon, who recently had to undergo reconstructive surgery to repair the damage caused by using too...

Science and the Catholic Church: A Turbulent History

12/03/2013 05:40
Tanya Lewis, LiveScience Staff Writer Date: 11 March 2013 Time: 04:11 PM ET Science and the Catholic Church share a long and sometimes tumultuous history. As the church leaders gather for the start of conclave Tuesday (Mar. 12), their choice of a new holy leader will affect Catholic views on...

NASA: The Sun Is Not Behaving As Expected

12/03/2013 05:12
Dina Spector | Mar. 11, 2013, 3:13 PM The sun is currently nearing the peak of its 11-year solar cycle, which means we should be seeing a lot more action coming from the center of our solar system — in the form of coronal mass ejections, geomagnetic storms and auroras. [Read more] ...

How medicine is killing us all: Antibiotics, superbugs and the next global pandemic

11/03/2013 17:59
Monday, March 11, 2013 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (NaturalNews) While globalists like Bill Gates are feverishly working on ways to reduce human population through vaccines, GMOs and abortions, an even more effective population killer is now emerging: drug-resistant...

Vaccine industry in panic over global effort to remove all mercury from vaccines

11/03/2013 17:57
Monday, March 11, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) The controversy regarding the continued use of mercury in some vaccines, despite the element's proven toxicity, is coming to a head as the United Nations (UN) considers the passage of a new treaty that would outlaw the use of...
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