Article archive

Miraculous Photos

08/03/2013 05:50
This is the time of year when many of us consider the possibility of miracles. Some even claim to have captured miracles on film. Here is a selection of those photos, and the stories behind them. [Read more] ...

Mysterious Tunnels

08/03/2013 05:37
By Stephen Wagner, Guide Strange tales of subterranean civilizations, cities and ancient technology There is something fundamentally and primally mysterious about caves and tunnels. Maybe it's their darkness or the fact that they open into the very body of the Earth. They are...

Paranormal Hot Spots

08/03/2013 05:35
  By Stephen Wagner, Guide THERE ARE MANY places around the world that seem to be focal points of high strangeness - vortexes of bizarre sightings, unexplained encounters and eerie events. Reports gathered over the decades have bestowed reputations on these locations as places you...


08/03/2013 05:29
In whose image was The Adam – the prototype of modern humans, Homo sapiens – created? The Bible asserts that the Elohim said: “Let us fashion the Adam in our image and after our likeness.” But if one is to accept a tentative explanation for enigmatic genes that humans possess, offered when the...

The Past Lives of Children

08/03/2013 05:23
By Stephen Wagner, Guide, Wednesday March 6, 2013 Have you lived before? The idea of reincarnation is a fascinating one: the theory that we might have lived other lives before our present ones, and that we will live future lives after we die. Perhaps we cannot prove reincarnation...

Apps use brainwaves to guide, improve meditation

08/03/2013 05:19
By Natasha Baker TORONTO | Tue Mar 5, 2013 10:50am EST (Reuters) - A new smartphone app aims to ease stress and guide users through meditation by monitoring brain waves that change as people become more relaxed. [Read more] ...

Death in the Forests

08/03/2013 05:12
Published: March 6, 2013 Day after day, the slaughter of the elephants continues at a record pace — 25,000 killed in 2011, conservationists say, and more than 30,000 last year. A study from the Wildlife Conservation Society shows that 60 percent of all African forest elephants (a slightly smaller...

Atoms with Quantum-Memory

08/03/2013 04:57
by Staff Writers Vienna, Austria (SPX) Mar 07, 2013 Order tends towards disorder. This is also true for quantum states. Measurements at the Vienna University of Technology show that in quantum mechanics this transition can be quite different from what we experience in our daily lives. [Read more]...

Wild pollinators increase crop fruit set regardless of honey bees

07/03/2013 08:51
by Staff Writers London, UK (SPX) Mar 07, 2013 Changes made by humans to the natural landscapes can often compromise ecosystems, which paradoxically are vital for human survival. Pollination of crops by wild insects is one such vulnerable ecosystem service, as wild insects are declining in many...

Herbal defluoridation of drinking water

07/03/2013 08:49
by Staff Writers London, UK (SPX) Mar 07, 2013 Researchers in India have developed a filter system based on a medicinal herb, which they say can quickly and easily remove "fluoride" from drinking water. The technology described in the March issue of the International Journal of Environmental...
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