Article archive

Playing quantum tricks with measurements

05/03/2013 06:46
by Staff Writers Innsbruck, Austria (SPX) Mar 04, 2013   A team of physicists at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, performed an experiment that seems to contradict the foundations of quantum theory - at first glance. The team led by Rainer Blatt reversed a quantum measurement in a...

Quantum-Satellite Achievements - Race Still Continues!

05/03/2013 05:30
4 March, 2013 - In the last years, quantum theory has appeared in satellite communications offering answers for some of nowadays’ technical questions. Although quantum computers are going to be the tools of the far future, there exist already algorithms to solve problems which...

Five Mental Illnesses Are Related In Some Way

05/03/2013 05:26
4 March, 2013 - Scientists work hard to unravel what causes psychiatric disorders and how to better diagnose and treat them. Genetic contributions to psychiatric disorders do not in all cases map to present diagnostic categories, a new family and twin studies suggest. Recently,...

Web Privacy Becomes a Business Imperative

04/03/2013 17:18
By SOMINI SENGUPTA Published: March 3, 2013   SAN FRANCISCO — Privacy is no longer just a regulatory headache. Increasingly, Internet companies are pushing each other to prove to consumers that their data is safe and in their control. [Read more] ...

Clean and green - Inspiring urban farm grows an astonishing three tons of produce a year on a mere 1/10 of an acre

04/03/2013 17:04
Monday, March 04, 2013 by: Carolanne Wright (NaturalNews) With food prices steadily rising over the last several years, by as much as five percent, families are scaling back and going without many staples just to put a meal on the table. Or worse, resorting to 'bargains' like fast food specials,...

Grocery loyalty card purchases surveilled by insurance companies to raise rates and deny claims

04/03/2013 17:00
Sunday, March 03, 2013 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of   If you use a grocery store "loyalty" card to get discounts on the items you buy, you may be shocked to learn this: Your grocery purchases are being surveilled by marketers, employers and even health insurance...

Toxic oceans may have delayed spread of complex life

04/03/2013 08:32
by Staff Writers Exeter UK (SPX) Mar 04, 2013 A new model suggests that inhospitable hydrodgen-sulphide rich waters could have delayed the spread of complex life forms in ancient oceans. The research, published online this week in the journal Nature Communications, considers the composition of the...

How did early primordial cells evolve

04/03/2013 08:30
by Staff Writers London, UK (SPX) Mar 04, 2013   Four billion years ago, soon after the planet cooled enough for life to begin, primordial cells may have replicated and divided without protein machinery or cell walls, relying instead on just a flimsy lipid membrane. New research on bacteria...

Quantum Mechanics & Telepathy - Is Everything Connected?

04/03/2013 06:03
3 March, 2013 - Do you believe in the power of telepathy? Many ordinary people accept telepathy as true and some say they even had telepathic experiences themselves.However, most scientists still remain skeptic and say there is no conclusive evidence supporting such...

Cell phone radiation standards review - Another sham?

04/03/2013 04:38
Sunday, March 03, 2013 by: Lloyd Burrell (NaturalNews) Cell phone radiation standards, currently set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), do not protect the public from the adverse health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by cell phones. Fact. [Read more] ...
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