Article archive

Why coconut oil stands out as today's most amazing superfood

04/03/2013 04:35
Sunday, March 03, 2013 by: Hesh Goldstein (NaturalNews) Coconut oil, from the research I have done, is by far the best of the best. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss,...

BPA is deadly to the developing brains of babies in utero, new study shows

04/03/2013 04:29
Friday, March 01, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) Scientists from Duke University in North Carolina have identified yet another major threat to human health posed by the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA). According to new research, babies exposed to BPA in utero, or during...

Reclaim your brain - naturally!

04/03/2013 04:25
Saturday, March 02, 2013 by: Mark Towse (NaturalNews) Our Brains are under siege from all angles. From the dumbing down of the education system, toxins and hormones in food and water, the covert reduction of people's attention spans and information saturation, to endless stimulant induced peaks...

How to fix your chronic constipation before it's too late

04/03/2013 04:23
Saturday, March 02, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer (NaturalNews) Constipation, or the inability to properly and regularly eliminate waste from the digestive system, is a growing problem for millions. Particularly among aging "baby boomers" and the elderly, chronic constipation is an issue...

Does Spirituality Affect Your Political Views?

02/03/2013 07:19
1 March, 2013 - People become more politically liberal immediately after practising a spiritual exercise such as meditation, researchers at the University of Toronto have found. [Read more]...

Insects Are Disappearing And Your Dinner Is Going To Suffer

02/03/2013 07:14
Robert Ferris | Feb. 28, 2013, 3:05 PM   Wild insects are better at pollinating crops than captive honeybees trucked into fields by humans, new research suggests. Crashing populations of wild insects could spell disaster for our food supply, the researchers suggest. [Read more] ...

Environmental Issues Rank Low Among Most People's Concerns

02/03/2013 07:11
by Staff Writers Chicago IL (SPX) Mar 01, 2013   A newly released international study reveals that the issue of climate change is not a priority for people in the United States and around the world. The surveys showed that when asked to rank priority worries, people were five times more likely...

More evidence needed for scale up of mobile device technology in health

02/03/2013 07:10
by Staff Writers London, UK (SPX) Mar 01, 2013 Despite the hundreds of pilot studies using mobile health-also known as 'mHealth'', which describe medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices- there is insufficient evidence to inform the widespread implementation and scale-up of...

Give Up Your Pew for Lent

01/03/2013 17:38
By PAUL ELIE Published: February 28, 2013   If the pope can quit, Catholics can, too. AT 8 p.m. last night in Vatican City, Benedict XVI resigned the papacy. Now American Catholics should consider resigning too. The conventional wisdom has it that Benedict’s resignation sharply reduced the...

Discord Remains at Vatican as Pope Benedict Departs

01/03/2013 17:35
By RACHEL DONADIO Published: February 28, 2013   VATICAN CITY - As the sun set on Rome and on his turbulent eight-year papacy, Pope Benedict XVI, a shy theologian who never seemed entirely at home in the limelight, was whisked by helicopter into retirement on Thursday. [Read more] ...
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