Article archive

Diamond sheds light on basic building blocks of life

01/03/2013 06:39
by Staff Writers London, UK (SPX) Feb 28, 2013 The UK's national synchrotron facility, Diamond Light Source, is now the first and only place in Europe where pathogens requiring Containment Level 3 - including serious viruses such as those responsible for AIDS, Hepatitis and some types of flu - can...

A Vatican Spring?

28/02/2013 17:39
By HANS KÜNG Published: February 27, 2013 TÜBINGEN, Germany   THE Arab Spring has shaken a whole series of autocratic regimes. With the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, might not something like that be possible in the Roman Catholic Church as well — a Vatican Spring? [Read more]...

Our Debt, Ourselves

28/02/2013 17:25
By ROBERT M. SOLOW Published: February 27, 2013   THE significance of America’s national debt is a serious question, but you would not know this from the current political rhetoric, which consists mostly of vague apocalyptic warnings. I want to present a calmer view, by emphasizing six...

Quantum computers turn mechanical

28/02/2013 14:44
by Edwin Catlidge for Institute of Physics London, UK (SPX) Feb 26, 2013 Ultra-fast computers of the future might consist of tiny pieces of superconducting material linked electrically to equally small mechanical resonators, the former providing the processing power and the latter the memory....

A whole new way of harvesting energy from the sun

28/02/2013 14:40
by Staff Writers Santa Barbara CA (SPX) Feb 26, 2013 A new method of harvesting the Sun's energy is emerging, thanks to scientists at UC Santa Barbara's Departments of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Materials. Though still in its infancy, the research promises to convert sunlight into energy...

Which Catholic Church?

28/02/2013 04:52
By PAUL KENNEDY Published: February 26, 2013 Being about the only professor at a liberal, tolerant, cosmopolitan Western university who is known to be a practicing Catholic — baptized at the age of two weeks — I have been asked frequently in recent times about what I think will happen to the...

Future Evidence for Extraterrestrial Life Might Come from Dying Stars

28/02/2013 04:30
by Staff Writers Boston MA (SPX) Feb 27, 2013 Even dying stars could host planets with life - and if such life exists, we might be able to detect it within the next decade. This encouraging result comes from a new theoretical study of Earth-like planets orbiting white dwarf stars. [Read more] ...

Rare Earth

28/02/2013 04:26
If there is intelligent life out there, why haven't we found them yet? This is Fermi's Paradox: Where are they? Or phrased differently, why aren't signs of galactic-scale life obvious in our telescopes? [Read more] ...

Detecting Life on Planets that Orbit White Dwarf Stars

28/02/2013 04:18
by Amanda Doylefor Astrobiology Magazine Moffett Field CA (SPX) Feb 27, 2013 A white dwarf is a dead star that slowly cools down until it fades into oblivion. Yet it has been predicted that habitable planets can orbit a white dwarf. If we can somehow detect these planets, would we also be able to...

Six crucial things to watch out for when buying vitamins and supplements

27/02/2013 19:23
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (Natural News) Not all vitamins and dietary supplements are the same. Many popular supplement brands, in fact, contain artificial additives, synthetic flow agents, chemical colorings, and even imitation vitamin compounds that your body...
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