Article archive

Why Wasn't the Russian Meteor Detected Before it Entered the Atmosphere?

21/02/2013 18:04
Posted on Feb 19, 2013 02:56:13 PM | William Cooke This is the question that keeps cropping up, and it deserves an answer. Images are being posted showing the fragments and they look like ordinary chondrites of asteroidal origin. This material is dark, and not very reflective, ... [Read more] ...

Asteroids are Coming

21/02/2013 17:23
by Staff Writers Bethesda, MD (SPX) Feb 20, 2013 Last Friday, February 15, 2013, a 150-foot asteroid safely passed Earth. This was the closest known flyby for a celestial body of its size, missing Earth by only 17,000 miles. [Read more] ...

Understanding the Magnetosphere Better Than Ever

21/02/2013 17:17
by Karen C. Fox for Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt MD (SPX) Feb 21, 2013 On Earth, scientists can observe weather patterns, and more importantly can predict them, through the use of tens of thousands of weather observatories scattered around the globe. [Read more] ...

Food science expert: Genetically modified crops are overregulated

21/02/2013 17:12
by Staff Writers Champaigh II (SPX) Feb 21, 2103 It has been almost 20 years since the first genetically modified foods showed up in produce aisles throughout the United States and the rest of the world, but controversy continues to surround the products and their regulation. [Read more] ...

Top 10: Weirdest cosmology theories

21/02/2013 06:55
12:14 04 September 2006 by Stephen Battersby For similar stories, visit the Cosmology Topic Guide Cosmology is one of the most creative and bizarre areas of science. Explore some of the strangest ideas in this exclusive feature. [Read more] ...

Today is Nicolaus Copernicus Birthday

20/02/2013 19:10
Today, February 19, 2013, is Nicolaus Copernicus' 540th Birth day. Copernicus is considered the founder of modern astronomy. Copernicus was a Renaissance astronomer and mathematician. Copernicus first formulated a comprehensive heliocentric model which placed the Sun at the center of the solar...

Subatomic calculations indicate finite lifespan for universe

20/02/2013 13:02
By Irene Klotz BOSTON | Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:53pm EST (Reuters) - Scientists are still sorting out the details of last year's discovery of the Higgs boson particle, but add up the numbers and it's not looking good for the future of the universe, scientists said Monday. "If you use all the...

Designing Life: Should Babies Be Genetically Engineered?

20/02/2013 10:11
Wynne Parry, LiveScience Contributor Date: 18 February 2013 Time: 12:22 PM ET NEW YORK — The increasing power and accessibility of genetic technology may one day give parents the option of modifying their unborn children, in order to spare offspring from disease or, conceivably, make them...

Brain Scans Can Predict Your Political Ideology

20/02/2013 10:05
Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer Date: 19 February 2013 Time: 09:28 AM ET Whether you pulled the lever for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney may reflect how your brain copes with risk, new research finds. The study, which examined the brain activity of 35 men and 47 women...

The Global Mobilization for Peace, a Decade Later

20/02/2013 09:09
by Ken Butigan Ten years ago today the world witnessed the single largest mobilization for peace in history. In the run-up to the war in Iraq, an unprecedented number of people — estimates range from eight to 30 million — rallied worldwide on Feb. 15, 2003 to demand the U.S. give peace a chance....
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