Article archive

The Egyptian Creation Epic

27/11/2013 16:32
by Aaron Leitch According to archaeologists, Egypt—alongside Sumer—produced one of the first known civilizations. There are many Egyptian myths related to creation; however, all of them share a common theme: that the world emerged from an infinite, lifeless sea. The first to appear was the god Ra,...

Mormons’ creation theory

27/11/2013 16:30
By April Holloway The Mormon Church, a sect of Christianity sometimes referred to as a cult, has a collection of sacred writings called the Pearl of Great Price. Mormons believe in the concept of creation according to Genesis, but they also give some additional information based on several...

Panspermia Theory

27/11/2013 16:28
By John Black The first reference to the word ‘Panspermia’ is in the 5th century BCE by the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras. The theory was again revived in 1834 by scientists, specifically Jons Jacob Berzelius, then again by Lord Kevin (William Thomson) in 1871, and Svante Arrhenius in 1903. In...

The meaning of the word Myth

27/11/2013 16:25
By John Black The word ‘myth’ has generally come to identify any story that is believed to be a work of fiction; however, when analyzing myths and legends, it is important to understand the evolution of the word and how, using the word as it was originally understood, it is crucial to the...

Are Alien Messages Encoded in our DNA?

27/11/2013 16:20
By April Holloway Are we alone in the Universe? This is a question that has kept us pondering for many years. But could the answer lie within the very cells in our body?  Some believe the answer is ‘yes’ and that human beings were created as biological images from a superior...

The Fate of Life on Earth: A Cosmic Perspective

27/11/2013 16:18
Mario Livio Astrophysicist, Space Telescope Science Institute Human life on Earth will undoubtedly need to face many future challenges: bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, violent volcanic "supereruptions," asteroid impacts and food shortages, among other possibilities. However, assuming...

Extraterresterial Life Exists

27/11/2013 16:12
Wickramasinghe and the late English astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle co-developed a theory known as "panspermia," which suggests that life exists throughout the universe and is distributed by meteoroids and asteroids. [Read more] ...  

New Study Indicates That Y Chromosome May Be Unnecessary For Reproduction

26/11/2013 17:58
A new study has promising results for those battling male infertility. Researchers at the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii have shown that male mice with only two genes from the Y chromosome can successfully produce offspring. The same team previously demonstrated that only...

The Changing American Family

26/11/2013 17:48
By NATALIE ANGIER Same-sex parents. Cohabiting couples. Voluntary kin. Children with parents in prison. Immigrant-Americans. What we thought of as the typical American family is being rapidly redefined. It is more diverse than it was even half a year ago. [Read more] ...  

Morphogenetic Fields And Beyond

26/11/2013 14:36
By Robert Gilman, including an interview with Rupert Sheldrake WHAT’S MISSING? Is there some way in which our description of the New Story is incomplete? I hope so! To fulfill its role, the New Story needs to be a living thing, not a fixed dogma. New developments, discoveries and understandings...
Items: 181 - 190 of 1634
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