Article archive

More and more everyday people suddenly into 'prepping' for disaster

15/11/2013 17:42
by: J. D. Heyes More and more Americans are spending money to get ready for an uncertain future -- gathering food, water, tools and skills to help them weather anything from a hurricane to a pandemic. [Read more] ...  

Extraterrestrials Can Resemble Humans: We Can Share Similar DNA

15/11/2013 10:10 - This time our Xenology discussion focuses on alien and human DNA. Not long ago, Jocelyn Bell Burnell, physicist and Oxford University professor told the Euroscience Open Forum conference in Dublin: "I do suspect we are going to get signs of life elsewhere, maybe even...

Alien Message Can Be Hidden In Your DNA Do We All Carry A Cosmic Greeting Card?

15/11/2013 10:09 - While SETI is busy searching for signals from alien civilizations, there are scientists who think we can find proof of advanced extraterrestrial life much closer to home - namely in our DNA! Instead of leaving artefacts for humans to find once they are sufficiently evolved, an...

Quest For The Hidden Alien Message Embedded In Human DNA Continues

15/11/2013 10:07 - The idea that there is an alien message hidden in our DNA has been proposed by yet another scientist. If scientists could provide scientific proof that we were created by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization it would be a major event in the history of mankind. Of course,...

What the Philippines can learn from Haiti, 2004 tsunami

14/11/2013 15:42
By Lean Alfred Santos As relief efforts continue following the onslaught of Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, many in the aid community now look back at other major natural disasters such as the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. The ongoing operation in the...

Videos about the System of Rice Intensification

14/11/2013 14:32
In little more than a decade, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) has spread from Madagascar to over fifty countries around the world (see spread map). Since SRI has developed as an "open source" innovation, local practices are generally adapted to fit the principles according to the needs of...

The System of Rice Intensification

14/11/2013 14:30
The System of Rice Intensification, known as SRI -- le Système de Riziculture Intensive in French and la Sistema Intensivo de Cultivo Arrocero (SICA) in Spanish -- is an agro-ecological methodology for increasing the productivity of irrigated rice by changing the management of plants, soil, water...

Geophony, Biophony, and Anthrophony

14/11/2013 14:24
What do these words mean? Biophony is the melodic sound created by such organisms as frogs and birds; geophony, the composition of non-biological sounds like wind, rain and thunder; and anthrophony, the conglomeration of noise spawned by human activity. What they add up to is a cacophony--a mix of...

Complex Systems

14/11/2013 14:23
Jessie (aka P.F.) Henshaw As Science has begun to ask where the enduring features of nature come from and how they work, the answer seems to be “complex systems”.  Every kind of thing and event seems to require them.  As the science has advanced, and as the modern problems of economies...

Recent single-origin hypothesis

14/11/2013 14:14
The single-origin hypothesis (or Out-of-Africa model) is one of two accounts of the origin of anatomically modern humans, Homo sapiens. According to the single-origin model, every species of the genus Homo but one, Homo sapiens, was driven extinct. This species had evolved in Eastern Africa between...
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