Article archive

Understanding ourselves by studying the animal kingdom

14/11/2013 06:09
by Staff Writers San Diego CA (SPX) Nov 13, 2013 New research reveals a new model for a genetic eye disease, and shows how animal models - from fruit flies to armadillos and monkeys - can yield valuable information about the human brain. The findings were presented at Neuroscience 2013, the annual...

Natural News donates $10,000 to Philippines typhoon victims via Tzu Chi Foundation

11/11/2013 17:23
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (NaturalNews) Natural News has donated $10,000 to victims of Typhoon Haiyan, the superstorm that recently devastated the Philippines. Tens of thousands of people are believed to have died in the storm. "The Philippine National Red Cross...

Yoga improves mood, reduces anxiety and depression

10/11/2013 17:33
by: Nanditha Ram (NaturalNews) Modern-day yoga practice has been relegated to an exercise form for feeling good and boosting energy levels while losing weight. This simplistic approach, while offering a partial truth, negates the vast and deep implications of an ancient mind-body science on the...

Who's Who in the History of Western Mysticism

10/11/2013 10:24
by Professor Bruce B. Janz This page only covers Western mysticism to about 1700. This does not imply any value judgment about mysticism in other cultures, or after 1700. The page was originally constructed for a course called "Philosophy of Western Mysticism" and reflects the research focus of the...

Western Mystical Traditions

10/11/2013 10:23
The mystical arms of the Islam, Christian, and Jewish traditions, along with western mystery traditions such as Gnosticism, all in large part have shared, developed, or stem from, ideas found in the ancient Zoroastrian religion. Established several thousand years ago, it posits life as essentially...

Western Theology and Indian Mysticism

10/11/2013 10:17
By Dr. HARIDAS CHAUDHURI Western theology has always been opposed to the mystical traditions of the world. That is why foremost mystics of the Western world including Jesus of Nazareth himself were misunderstood, persecuted, or crucified in their lifetime. Theology is dualistic and doctrinaire;...

Modern Physics = Eastern Mysticism?

10/11/2013 10:16
"It is probably true quiet generally that in the history of human thinking, the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different li nes of thought meet." - Werner Hiesenberg. This quotation seems to summarise what is attempted top explore in this article. Who...

Theology and Mysticism in the Tradition of the Eastern Church

10/11/2013 10:14
by Vladimir Lossky It is our intention, in the following essay, to study certain aspects of eastern spirituality in relation to the fundamental themes of the Orthodox dogmatic tradition. In the present work, therefore, the term 'mystical theology' denotes no more than a spirituality which expresses...

A Basic Understanding of Eastern Mysticism

10/11/2013 10:12
There are many well known and popular movies and television shows which promote the beliefs of Eastern Mysticism. In addition to that, any time you hear people giving credence to ideas such as karma, Eastern meditation or reincarnation, you are bumping into this belief system. It is also not...

Essentials of Mysticism

10/11/2013 10:03
by Evelyn Underhill What are the true essentials of mysticism? When we have stripped off those features which some mystics accept and others reject — all that is merely due to tradition, temperament or unconscious allegorism — what do we find as the necessary, abiding and essential character of all...
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