Article archive

Intriguing Discovery Could Offer Proof Of The Tabernacle - Has The Dwelling Place Of God Been Located?

10/11/2013 09:36 - Has the dwelling place of God finally been located? Archaeologists and historians have searched for evidence of the Biblical Tabernacle for many years. Now, finally an intriguing discovery can shed more light on a mystery that has fascinated mankind for so long. According to...

The Inner Teachings of Jesus

10/11/2013 07:57
Yogi Ramacharaka The first and main phase of the Inner Teachings of Mystic Christianity is that connected with the Mystery of the Life of Jesus. The outer teachings give but an imperfect view of the real life and nature of the Master, and theologians have built up an edifice of dogmatic theory...

Jesus and the Essenes...

10/11/2013 07:53
After the original founding of the Essenes by Enoch, many centuries passed in which the Essenes existed as a Mystery School, out of the eyes of the public. Finally, it was time for a major remanifestation of the Essenes, for their numbers had dwindled to the point of near extinction. Moses was the...


10/11/2013 07:51
Gnosticism is the mystical arm of Christianity. Mysticism is the search for the Divine within one's self. It is a search within. Gnosis is a Greek word for "knowledge." However, this is not mere book learning; not a garnering of facts. The Gnostic path is a path of direct enlightenment or direct...

Esoteric Christianity

10/11/2013 07:49
By Norman D. Livergood About 25-30 C.E. a mystical teacher named Jesus began to tell people about a spiritual realm in which the person who would be leader must be a servant of all. He spoke of a definite re-birth into a Higher Consciousness. Jesus indicated that his message consisted of a public...

The Mystic Christ

10/11/2013 07:46
The Mystic Christ reveals the life and teachings of Jesus to be an ancient tale of mystic union, salvation, and enlightenment. It is the careful uncovering of a lost treasure of immeasurable value, long buried in the suffocating darkness of conventional orthodoxy on one side, and blind...

Was Jesus Psychic?

10/11/2013 07:36
It’s been revealed that we are indeed surrounded by Holy Ghosts. Where did you think psychic ability comes from? Well it’s certainly not Satan. The book of 2 Peter explained in those Scriptures I cited where the power manifests itself from. It is from “Holy Spirit”. Again, we are surrounded by Holy...

The Psychic Life of Jesus

10/11/2013 07:33
Excerpts by Michael Prescott of Rev. G. Maurice Elliott's book Jesus is reported to have said, "He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do," and that "signs", such as the healing of the sick, would follow them that believe. Jesus healed...


10/11/2013 07:26
When discussing psychic abilities there will undoubtedly be skeptics who demand scientific proof. Among the many amazing psychic powers, clairvoyance is the one that most often comes to mind. Skeptics and debunkers often target psychic readers who posses this skill, claiming that they use trickery...

Telepathy and Clairvoyance

10/11/2013 07:23
Jane Henry Telepathy refers to mind-to-mind communication without the intervention of the senses, e.g knowing what somebody is about to say. Clairvoyance refers to the mind picking up information from the environment, e.g knowing which card is about to be turned over or what horse will win a race....
Items: 271 - 280 of 1634
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