Article archive

Are Quantum Physics and Spirituality related?

09/11/2013 15:16
Ian Thompson, Physics Department, University of Surrey, U.K. It is particularly valuable to discuss questions concerning quantum physics and spirituality together, in order to see the connection between them. There is an urgent reason for discussing this link, because there are people who want to...

Laws of the spirit world

09/11/2013 15:09
by Khorshed Bhavnagri ‘The Laws of the Spirit World’ is an end product of Vispi and Ratoos desire to create a book   that contained  all the information regarding the spirit world and divine law, for the whole world to read and understand . They had to obtain a   special...

Is There Really a Spirit World?

09/11/2013 15:06
by Mario Seiglie   Both popular culture and religion bombard us with references to the spirit world. But is it real? What’s it all about? Where can you turn to sort out fact from fable? Have you ever wondered about the spirit world? Almost everyone is curious about the subject. Perhaps you...

Shamanism and the Spirit World

09/11/2013 15:04
by Wyldcat One of the most basic beliefs of shamanism is the belief in the web of power that runs through all things. Shamans believe that everything is alive and is connected in a mutually supportive way to everything else in the world. It is this web of power that brings sense to the world. The...

Where is the Spirit World?

09/11/2013 15:00
Q. Where is the Spirit World? A. A simple question, yet with such an important answer! Well, my belief is that it isn’t above us or below us — it’s actually all around us. I was taught to believe that everything is made up of energy and vibrations. The vibrations of this physical world where we...

Is There Proof the Spirit World Exists?

09/11/2013 14:57
by Wilma Davidson Is there any proof that the Spirit World exists? Some folks want positive evidence, and many scientists are skeptical of the possibility of life after death. But, look out! This attitude may soon change as new technology is creating equipment which can do amazing things. Already...

The Postmortal Spirit World

09/11/2013 14:55
Heavenly Father prepared a plan for our salvation. As part of this plan, He sent us from His presence to live on earth and receive mortal bodies of flesh and blood. Eventually our mortal bodies will die, and our spirits will go to the spirit world. The spirit world is a place of waiting, working,...

The Physical World And The Spiritual World

09/11/2013 14:52
by Thomas Cromwell The internal character is invisible to the physical senses and yet it is responsible for the behavior of the external reality that is observed, directly or indirectly, by humans. The implication of this is that the invisible inner world of creation is causal and therefore more...

The Various Realms of Spirit

09/11/2013 14:49
The room we're in is also filled with countless realms of existence beyond the physical world—all teeming with life—and again, if our eyes and ears could see and hear those nonphysical realms, the room would be incomprehensibly crowded, and we would be completely overwhelmed by the sights and...

The Spirit World Influences Every Human Being

09/11/2013 14:48
By Dan Delzell, Special to CP Every human being is influenced by spirits from a different world. Even those people who don't believe in spiritual beings are nevertheless under their control. The reality of the spirit world is not based on human reason. It is based on fact. It is what it is. The...
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