Article archive

Everyday Consciousness and Buddha-Awakening

09/11/2013 10:15
by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche Within the realms of sentient beings, we have taken on a human body. A human being consists of body, speech, and mind; these are called the three gates. As for the gate of speech, it is nothing other than the sounds with which we can express ourselves and which can be...

Buddhist Psychology

09/11/2013 10:13
by Eric Pettifor Eastern influence on Western thought goes back at least to the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Alexander the Great (4 th century B.C.E.) made it as far as northern India, and the Roman philosopher Plotinus made a trip to study the philosophies of the region in 242 C.E.....

Consciousness: A Buddhist View

09/11/2013 10:10
sreenivasarao s The Buddhist texts talk of consciousness in metaphors such as clear light- prabhasvara (implying clarity- all defilements being sort of infection), knowing, and cognizance flowing like a river. They repeatedly talk about consciousness as an ever changing stream. In order to...

Mind: The Buddhist View

09/11/2013 10:07
Mind is defined in Buddhism as a non-physical phenomenon which perceives, thinks, recognises, experiences and reacts to the environment. The mind is described as having two main aspects: clarity and knowing; meaning that the mind is clear, formless and allows for objects to arise in it, and that...

What Is Krsna Consciousness?

09/11/2013 10:00
Srila Prabhupada: Krsna means God. We are all intimately connected with Him because He is our original father. But we have forgotten this connection. When we become interested in knowing, "What is my connection with God? What is the aim of life?" then we are called Krsna conscious. Ms. Nixon: How...

Khrisna Consciousness

09/11/2013 09:55
Krsna Consciousness can be simply defined as always remembering Krsna; however, going about that can becme difficult to understand. Krsna Consciousness is a lifelong process of understanding how to love Krsna and how to serve Him. Krsna is a person, a spiritual person. Spiritual evidence in Vedic...

How to Achieve Christ Consciousness

09/11/2013 09:48
Written by Dr Joshua David Stone, The Christ consciousness is not just for Christians. The Christ consciousness, the Buddha consciousness, the Krishna consciousness, God consciousness, and the consciousness of all religions are all the same thing. Many people have a lot of negative programming...

Christ Consciousness

09/11/2013 09:46
Oftentimes, when individuals hear the terms "Christ" or "Jesus," right away they may fall into preconceived notions based upon their upbringing or particular religious background. Throughout history, the perspectives people have had on the life and teachings of Jesus have been varied, oftentimes...

The Majesty of God-Consciousness

09/11/2013 09:40
by Swami Krishnananda From self-discipline, the Bhagavadgita now takes us to the level of God-Consciousness as its discourse proceeds, and especially in the ninth, tenth and eleventh chapters we reach the climax of the description of this state. Here we seem to find God taking possession of...

Christ Consciousness

09/11/2013 09:36
In human life, spiritual growth is achieved by aligning with these spiritual currents that come from both the personality and mind of Spirit by intellectual assent and emotional devotion. Christ Consciousness is the growing human recognition and blending of the human evolutionary (or ego) mind with...
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