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09/11/2013 08:23
by John Van Auken Spiritual breakthrough is about God-consciousness. The goal is to reach a level of consciousness that allows us to be as aware of God as of ourselves. Imagine being as aware of God as we are of ourselves. This is the breakthrough we seek. But it is a difficult goal to realize. One...

Consciousness of God

09/11/2013 08:20
by Peter Russell To many, the statement "I am God" rings of blasphemy. God, according to conventional religion, is the supreme deity, the almighty eternal omniscient creator. How can any lowly human being claim that he or she is God? When the fourteenth-century Christian priest and mystic Meister...

What is God Consciousness

09/11/2013 08:19
by Aja People want to know what is God, and what is God consciousness. The reality is that consciousness IS God. Consciousness is totally singular, as is God. They are two names for one thing. The illusion is that there is an individual separate from God or separate from consciousness. The...

Cosmic Consciousness

09/11/2013 08:15
Cosmic Consciousness is consciousness of the Cosmos, it is the awareness that there exist other planets than our own, other suns and the Sun Absolute, and that they are the centers of a being; it is thus a consciousness of the body of God. (A.R. Orage). [Read more] ...  

Cosmic Consciousness And You

09/11/2013 08:12
by FinerMinds Team Have you ever heard the phrase “Cosmic Consciousness”? Ever wonder what it means? Believe it or not, there’s actually a definition of it in Wikipedia – among many other places. We thought we’d take a look at this divine idea through our trusty FinerMinds specs … As much as anyone...

The Logical Structure of Cosmic Consciousness

09/11/2013 08:06
by Ian Williams Goddard One claim held by both scientists and mystics is that the cosmic consciousness experience (CCE) is not logical. To mystics this defines the limits of logic, while to scientists it defines perceptions stemming from CCE as false. But is the claimed disjunction between CCE and...

What is Cosmic Consciousness?

09/11/2013 08:00
By Richard Maurice Bucke Cosmic Consciousness ... is a higher form of consciousness than that possessed by the ordinary man. This last is called Self Consciousness and is that faculty upon which rests all of our life (both subjective and objective) which is not common to us and the higher animals,...

Cosmic Consciousness

09/11/2013 07:58
Cosmic Consciousness is an ultra high state of illumination in the human Mind that is beyond that of "self-awareness," and "ego-awareness."  In the attainment of Cosmic Consciousness, the human Mind has entered a state of Knowledge instead of mere beliefs, a state of "I know," instead of "I...

The Seven "I AM"s of John's Gospel

09/11/2013 07:51
Who wrote the Gospel of John? We don't know for sure. The evidence of the text itself suggests that it was written on the basis of the witness of one of Jesus' twelve apostles, present at the last supper and the empty tomb. However the gospel never names him, only referring to him as the Beloved...

The Seven I AM Sayings of Jesus

09/11/2013 07:47
Have you ever thought about the seven I AM sayings of Jesus? The gospel according to John, there are seven “ I am” sayings of Jesus. And in this paper, I will try to reflect about why did Jesus refer to himself in the way he did? What seems to be in Jesus self-awareness when he spoke such sayings?...
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