Article archive

Consciousness and Parapsychology

08/11/2013 15:10
by Michael Grosso, PhD Consciousness is a recent phenomenon in the history of planet Earth; we know nothing of it beyond or prior to terrestrial history. What we do know is part of the story – the unfinished story – of human evolution. The true function of consciousness is quite puzzling, and its...

Believing in Einstein, Darwin, and God

08/11/2013 15:08
by Bernard Haisch The greatest unsolved mysteries are the mysteries of our existence as conscious beings in a small corner of a vast universe. Why are we here? Does the universe have a purpose? Whence comes our knowledge of good and evil? These mysteries, and a hundred others like them, are beyond...

Simplifying Nonduality

08/11/2013 15:05
by Vesela Simic From what I understand, nonduality seems to be a term that comes primarily from the Advaita Vedanta tradition. We have a close equivalent in Sufism, the Arabic word Tauheed, which means “the oneness of all levels of being.” In the Sufi tradition, we understand that everything is...

The Varieties of Sacred Geography

08/11/2013 15:02
by Paul Devereux Sacred geography is where the physical environment and spirit meet. A prime example of this is given by the Mamas, or religious elite of the Kogi Indians of northern Columbia, who are trained to see simultaneously both the physical world and the spirit otherworld, which they call...

Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance

08/11/2013 14:49
by Rupert Sheldrake, PhD Morphic fields underlie the organization of proteins, cells, crystals, plants, animals, brains, and minds. They help to explain habits, memories, instincts, telepathy, and the sense of direction. They have an inherent memory and imply that many of the so-called laws of...

Toward a “Common Spirituality”

08/11/2013 14:42
by Richard Harmer, PhD What is spirituality? What is the purpose of spirituality? What is a spiritual life?Spirituality is a universal phenomenon. It doesn’t matter where in the world you live or what “tribe” you are a part of; you can be assured that spirituality will be a part of the...

Journey toward Wholeness

08/11/2013 13:42
by Sol Weingarten, MD In my forty-five years as a psychiatrist, I have spent more than sixty-thousand hours working with individuals, couples, and groups. Each hour introduced different versions of troubled human expressions, such as conflicted relationships, difficulties with addiction, mood...

Chaos and Disorder

08/11/2013 13:39
by Larry Dossey, MD Harmony and order are suggested by the image of someone sitting in quiet meditation, unmoved by the chaos swirling everywhere in today’s hectic world. The benefits of such practices are numerous, including claims of lower perceived stress, anxiety and pain, and heightened immune...

Debating Psychic Experience

08/11/2013 13:37
by Stanley Krippner, PhD and Harris L. Friedman, PhD The controversy over the existence of psychic phenomena, now commonly called psi, has been raging for centuries. But it is only in the last 100 years that psychical researchers, now commonly called parapsychologists, have been mostly confined to...

Bringing Spirit Back into Matter

08/11/2013 13:34
by Bruce Lipton, PhD My book The Biology of Belief provided insight into the nature of how our consciousness controls both our genetics and our behavior. Although programmed to believe ourselves frail and vulnerable, we are learning instead that the power of healing has always been within us, for...
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