Article archive

First GMO rice to be launched in Philippines in 2016: researchers

07/11/2013 08:06
by Staff Writers Manila (AFP) Nov 05, 2013 The first genetically-modified rice to be commercially available could be approved for production in the Philippines in two to three years, researchers said Tuesday, despite strong opposition from environmental groups. Officers of both the International...

The Role of East Asian Regional Organizations in Regional Governance

06/11/2013 16:35
Rosemary Foot If governance can be defined as “the processes and institutions, both formal and informal, that guide and restrain the collective activities of a group,”1 one might ask how useful have the Asia-Pacific’s multilateral regional organizations been in performing this guidance and...

The Free Market Economy versus Government Planning

06/11/2013 16:11
Ludwig von Mises Planning and capitalism are utterly incompatible. Within a system of planning production is conducted according to the government’s orders, not according to the plans of capitalists and entrepreneurs eager to profit by best filling the wants of the consumers. [Read more] ...  

The Role of Self-Interest and Competition in a Market Economy

06/11/2013 16:07
A market economy is an economic system in which individuals own most of the resources – land, labor, and capital – and control their use through voluntary decisions made in the marketplace. It is a system in which the government plays a small role. In this type of economy, two forces –...

Government in a Market Economy

06/11/2013 16:05
by Michael Watts If markets and market systems are so efficient, why let the government tamper with their workings at all? Why not adopt a strict policy of what is called laissez-faire and allow private markets to operate without any government interference whatsoever? There are several reasons...

Free Market v. Command Economies

06/11/2013 14:56
Basically, there are only three systems. At one extreme we have the free market economy, where there is a very limited role for the government. At the other end we have the command economy, where the government takes virtually total control. As with market structures (with perfect competition and...

How to Make the Economy Work for Us

06/11/2013 14:54
by Robert Reich In reality, the “free market” is a bunch of rules about (1) what can be owned and traded (the genome? slaves? nuclear materials? babies? votes?); (2) on what terms (equal access to the internet? the right to organize unions? corporate monopolies? the length of patent protections? );...

Why the State and Market Must Work Together

06/11/2013 14:50
Andrew Sheng Many of the current economic and financial problems trace their roots to governance failures, says Fung Global Institute President Andrew Sheng. That means the solutions lie in finding the right balance between the state and the market -- which is precisely what China and India are...

We Must Make the Market Economy Work: But it is it?

06/11/2013 14:42
Translation of a lecture by Peter Decker (co-editor of GegenStandpunkt) It is the best method of distribution; it can successfully combine freedom and constraint; it is an expedient means for restricting excessive needs; it is the  preventer of the monopoly power of the producers; its ...

Democracy's Decline

06/11/2013 12:59
A disturbing decline in global liberty prompts some hard thinking about what is needed for democracy to prevail. In its report entitled “Freedom in the World 2010: Global Erosion of Freedom”, the American lobby group found that declines in liberty occurred last year in 40 countries (in Africa,...
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