Article archive

Mountains and the Sacred

06/11/2013 08:57
Mountains loom large in any landscape and have long been invested with sacredness by many peoples around the world. They carry a rich symbolism. The vertical axis of the mountain drawn from its peak down to its base links it with the world-axis, and, as in the case of the Cosmic Tree (cf. Trees and...

The Sacred Cave

06/11/2013 08:55
The CAVE is a cavity inside the earth which may be either natural or artificial in origin. Natural caves come into existence by the action of water or tectonic displacement. Both natural and artificial caves have served humankind in various capacities since time immemorial. [Read more] ...  

What is a Sacred Space?

06/11/2013 08:52
Cathedrals stand as monuments to the universal search for meaning; they are physical embodiments of this search and, simultaneously, they reveal much about the spirituality of those who first built and used them. Buddhist temples, Islamic mosques, Hindu ashrams, Native American sweat lodges,...

Creating Sacred Space

06/11/2013 08:48
Shamans always begin healing ceremonies by opening sacred space. In this space we leave behind the affairs of ordinary life, the bustling world of meetings and schedules, and prepare to meet the divine. Sacred space allows us to enter our quiet inner world where healing takes place. Within sacred...

Sacred Space of the Ecosophere

06/11/2013 07:51
In the space of the Ecosphere, awareness exceeds that of the self to summon and embrace all of creation. Sacred space is a healing sphere that is pure, holy and safe. We can create sacred space and summon the healing power of nature anywhere on Earth. Much of our fear and pain derives from the...

The Extinction of Deep Thinking & Sacred Space

06/11/2013 07:48
by Scott Belsky Interruption-free space is sacred. Yet, in the digital era we live in, we are losing hold of the few sacred spaces that remain untouched by email, the internet, people, and other forms of distraction. Our cars now have mobile phone integration and a thousand satellite radio...

Divine Vastu: A Logical and Scientific Approach

06/11/2013 07:41
Vastu is a logical explanation of scientific truths and facts. The Vastu Principles are related with the properties (Natural Energies) of our Mother Earth. . It simply says that the sources of energies are to be open and the flow of energies is not to be disturbed. Vastu Shastra prescribes...

Vastu Shastra Creates Sacred Space, Abundance, Tranquility

06/11/2013 07:36
Vastu" means energy or imperishable substance. "Vaastu" is the form or matter, including the space that fills it. The form and the space within the form are intimately connected and affect each other. The Sanskrit expression, "Vastu reva vaastu," means that unbounded pure consciousness, the...

Difference Between Vastu Shastra & Feng Shui

06/11/2013 07:35
Vastu and Feng shui, both the ancient arts allows following some basic principles in order to live in harmony and to maintain stability. Vastu is thus older than Feng shui and the basic theory of this ancient Indian philosophy is art of placement. [Read more] ...  

Feng Shui, Vastu and India

06/11/2013 07:31
Aroon Feng Shui has been called an art of placement. This describes Feng Shui well, as it is not a science, a religion, a philosophy or a belief system. It is not a science, as its principles cannot yet be proven by scientific method. It is not necessary to follow any religion to understand or...
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