Article archive

Spirituality correlates to better mental health regardless of religion, say researchers

29/01/2014 10:08
Despite differences in rituals and beliefs among the world's major religions, spirituality often enhances health regardless of a person's faith, according to researchers. The researchers believe that health care providers could take advantage of this correlation between health – particularly mental...

Spirituality, religion may protect against major depression by thickening brain cortex

29/01/2014 10:07
A thickening of parts of the brain cortex associated with regular meditation or other spiritual or religious practice could be the reason those activities guard against depression – particularly in people who are predisposed to the disease, according to new research. Researchers studied 130...

Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness

29/01/2014 10:05
A review and update of a controversial 20-year-old theory of consciousness claims that consciousness derives from deeper level, finer scale activities inside brain neurons. The recent discovery of quantum vibrations in "microtubules" inside brain neurons corroborates this theory, according to...

Brain works like a radio receiver

29/01/2014 09:58
Initial evidence is found that the brain has a 'tuning knob' that is actually influencing behavior. Brain circuits can tune into the frequency of other brain parts relevant at the time. The scientific magazine Neuron is publishing the results of researchers at Radboud University the Netherlands on...

New brain-scanning technique shows when and where the brain processes visual information

29/01/2014 09:56
New brain-scanning technique from Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers allows scientists to see when and where the brain processes visual information. Every time you open your eyes, visual information flows into your brain, which interprets what you're seeing. Now, for the first time,...

Belief in immortality hard-wired? Study examines development of children's 'prelife' reasoning

29/01/2014 09:55
By examining children's ideas about "prelife," the time before conception, researchers found results which suggest that our bias toward immortality is a part of human intuition that naturally emerges early in life. And the part of us that is eternal, we believe, is not our skills or ability to...

Brain regions thought to be uniquely human share many similarities with monkeys

29/01/2014 09:52
New research suggests a surprising degree of similarity in the organization of regions of the brain that control language and complex thought processes in humans and monkeys. The study also revealed some key differences. The findings may provide valuable insights into the evolutionary processes...

Discovery of Water Hidden In Stardust Suggests Life Is Common In The Universe

29/01/2014 09:51 - Interplanetary dust - originating from asteroids, comets and floating in space - may have played very important role in development of life on Earth, according to a new study conducted by US researchers. It could deliver water and organics to the Earth and other terrestrial...

Mysterious Unexplained Short Signals From Outside Our Galaxy Baffle Astronomers

28/01/2014 07:14 - These signals are very short and originate from outside of our galaxy, the Milky Way. They are baffling astronomers and the nature of the objects remains unexplained. Are the signals natural or artificial in origin? Is it possible an extraterrestrial civilization is sending...

Power Of Your Thoughts Can "Space Condition" Your Home And Change Reality

28/01/2014 07:12
By: Carlos Tavares - - Sometimes scientists doing delicate experiments in their labs for many years cannot replicate the outcome of their experiments when done in other labs or places, even if exactly the same methods and protocols are used. The reason being is what is called...
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