Article archive

Consciousness: The Symptom of the Soul

05/11/2013 16:54
By Stephen Knapp (An excerpt from "The Secret Teachings of the Vedas") The current idea that the mind is part of the brain is held not only by many biologists, neurologists, etc., but by others in all branches of science, including physics, computer science, and psychology. We might, however, point...

The Nature of Consciousness

05/11/2013 16:50
 by Roy Posner and MSS Asks a reader: What is consciousness? Answer: It is awareness; awareness of the Truth. It is self awareness; knowledge of the way of life; of the various aspects of our and life's physical, vital, and mental planes of existence. Our level of consciousness is indicated...

Consciousness Comes from DNA

05/11/2013 16:42
By CARL SAGAN AND ANN DRUYAN (EDITED BY JOHN HARTMAN) Is the origin of consciousness an unfathomable mystery? Does it require the insertion of an immaterial soul into each human being, but no other animal, at the moment of conception? Consciousness and self-awareness are, in the West, widely...

Why Consciousness is Not the Brain: The Science of Premonitions

05/11/2013 16:37
by Larry Dossey   Physicist Freeman Dyson believes the cosmos is suffused with consciousness, from the grandest level to the most minute dimensions. If it is, why aren’t we aware of it? [Read more] ...  

The Nature of Consciousness

05/11/2013 16:34
Piero Scaruffi No scientific theory of the universe can be said complete if it doesn't explain consciousness. We may doubt the existence of black holes, the properties of quarks and even that the Earth is round, but it is harder to doubt that we are conscious. Consciousness is actually the only...

Consciousness Matters

05/11/2013 16:28
'I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.' Max Planck, physicist (1858-1941) The Observer (January 25th,...

The Evolution of Consciousness

05/11/2013 16:26
by Peter Russell Before we can begin to consider the evolution of consciousness, we have to ask when consciousness first arose. Are human beings alone conscious, or are other creatures also conscious? Is an animal such as a dog, for example, conscious?  [Read more] ...  

Bruce Lipton and The Honeymoon Effect, Part Two

05/11/2013 16:11
So here’s how it works.  Conscious mind, it’s the latest edition of the brain.  It’s a lobe of brain tissue right behind your forehead associated with what is called the frontal cortex.  The rest of the brain is called the subconscious mind. Okay, so here’s the story.  Two...

Rediscovering and Awakening To Your Higher Self

05/11/2013 16:09
by Chuck Danes If I asked you who you are, what would your answer be? You might provide several answers. You might mention your name, the type of work that you do, or identify yourself as a father or mother. The possibilities are endless. Most people identify who they are with their physical being....

Conscious Versus Unconscious Action

05/11/2013 16:07
by Chuck Danes Thoughts just like anything in our world exist as energy or a vibrational frequency. This frequency is projected outward attracting additional energies of a harmonious frequency creating a physical reaction in the human body and each reaction leads to yet another action/creation...
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