Article archive

Learn to Break Free of the Conditioned Mind!

05/11/2013 16:02
by Sen What is the one place we go to when we have to make a decision? The “mind”, or rather the database of our past. So each decision we take will only repeat our past and so nothing new seems to be happening. Life loses its freshness. Conditioning certainly has a relative value to help us go...

Why is the Mind Unconscious of Reality?

05/11/2013 16:00
by Sen Our consciousness perceives a body. It sees this body moving around, talking, walking, seeing, listening and eating. It feels the body getting hungry, getting thirsty, getting aroused and getting angry. It senses several human feelings like sadness, happiness, boredom and excitement. The...

The Unconscious Mind: Does it actually exist?

05/11/2013 15:53
Piero Scaruffi How does consciousness arise (in an individual) and how did it arise (in evolution)? It is a widespread belief that we, as individuals, are not born conscious, and life, as a natural phenomenon, was not originally conscious. If these beliefs are correct, when and how does and did...

Breath is the Link Between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind

05/11/2013 15:45
by Alex Tan To breathe is to live. We can survive for weeks without food, for days without water, but only minutes without breath. Breathing is a master key to the self-healing. When we learn about respiration in Western health sciences, we are informed about the anatomy and physiology of the...

The Biology of Belief

05/11/2013 13:26
Bruce H. Lipton The ‘central dogma’ of modern orthodox biology is that life is controlled by genes. In The Biology of Belief, cell biologist Bruce Lipton explains how the latest research has shown genetic determinism to be fundamentally flawed, and presents a very readable account of the ‘new...

Beliefs Create Your Reality

05/11/2013 13:08
It is becoming more widely accepted in the world of psychology, biology, and spiritual practices that your beliefs create the foundation of who you and the life you live.  Another way to think about it is that your life is printing out your beliefs. [Read more] ...  

How Unconcious Beliefs Can Undermine Your Life

05/11/2013 13:04
BY peggy hammes How many times have we made resolutions, promises, or plans to change something—only to have it snap back in our faces like a boomerang? Often our initial vow is well intended. It just gets re-designed somewhere along the way, often leaving us feeling frustrated and believing that...

The Essence of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

05/11/2013 12:52
 by Albert Ellis, Ph.D. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is a comprehensive approach to psychological treatment that deals not only with the emotional and behavioral aspects of human disturbance, but places a great deal of stress on its thinking component. Human beings are exceptionally...

Albert Ellis - REBT

05/11/2013 12:49
by Saul McLeod lbert Ellis (1957, 1962) proposes that each of us hold a unique set of assumptions about ourselves and our world that serve to guide us through life and determine our reactions to the various situations we encounter. Unfortunately, some people’s assumptions are largely irrational,...

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

05/11/2013 12:46
by Will Ross Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a form of psychotherapy and a philosophy of living created by Albert Ellis in the 1950's. Albert Ellis and REBT posit that our reaction to having our goals blocked (or even the possibility of having them blocked) is determined by our beliefs....
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