Article archive

The Power of Beliefs

05/11/2013 12:27
Tania Kotsos The power of belief is one of the keys to reality creation. To be able to consciously create your ideal reality, you must believe that you already have that which you want in the present moment. The secret to belief is to take what you want for granted. This means to believe that it...

Theories of Poverty: The Culture of Poverty

05/11/2013 12:23
The concept of a culture of poverty was introduced by American anthropologist, Oscar Lewis, as a result of studying the urban poor in Mexico and Puerto Rico. The culture of poverty constitutes a "design for living" that is passed on from generation to the next. Individuals feel marginalized,...

Culture of Poverty

05/11/2013 12:18
Ayyaz Kiani I have come across several well-educated, well-off people lately who seem to believe that the poor somehow “want to be poor” or are simply “too stupid” to escape poverty. Members of my own family, friends from school, colleagues at office, the so-called “development workers” and...

Ideal Types of the 'culture of poverty'

05/11/2013 11:48
Key Figures: Oscar Lewis and Charles Murray Where does the culture of poverty come from? Is it culturally transmitted? What about familial, intergenerational transmission? What are the structural determinants?  [Read more] ...    

The Myth of the Culture of Poverty

05/11/2013 11:45
Paul Gorski Oscar Lewis coined the term culture of poverty in his 1961 book The Children of Sanchez. Lewis based his thesis on his ethnographic studies of small Mexican communities. His studies uncovered approximately 50 attributes shared within these communities: frequent violence, a lack of a...

Liberation Theology and the Informal Sector

05/11/2013 10:57
Concilium 1997 Editorial This hegemony of the capitalist economic model with a neo-liberal stamp has made us recall an old, disused theological axiom from ecclesiology: ‘Outside the church there is no salvation.’ Secularizing this axiom, we can ask, ‘Is there no salvation outside capitalism?’,...

Women working in informal and entertainment sector

05/11/2013 10:50
Many women working in such informal sector were present at the program, which was held at National Women's Commission. They wanted to share their challenges and various sexual, physical, mental and economical abuses they face in their respective profession. They wanted a platform to share their...

Women in the informal sector and their access to microfinance

05/11/2013 10:41
Paper prepared by ILO Women as micro and small entrepreneurs have increasingly become a key target group for micro-finance programmes. Providing access to micro-finance is considered a precondition for poverty alleviation, but also for women's empowerment. As poor women are increasingly recognized...

Bibliography on the Informal Sector

05/11/2013 10:28
Hari Srinivas This site gives a comprehensive bibliography for those students who would like to study about the informal sector as their dissertation paper. This can certainly enrich their theoretical framework, which is usually given in Chapter 2 of their dissertation. [Read more] ...  

Informal Sector or Informal Economy?

05/11/2013 10:25
by Daniel Hawkins The term 'informal sector' (IS) has been one of the most hotly debated socio-economic concepts of the past 40 years. Etymologically, one can only define it with respect to the formal sector as it derives from and is intrinsically defined by its comparison to this term. Taking this...
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