Article archive


05/11/2013 07:37
Ecofeminism is a social and political movement which points to the existence of considerable common ground between environmentalism and feminism,[1] with some currents linking deep ecology and feminism.[2] Ecofeminists argue that a strong parallel exists between the oppression and subordination of...

Reinventing Eden: The Fate of Nature in Western Culture

05/11/2013 07:34
by Carolyn Merchant (Reviewed by Tara Roeder) Merchant maintains that for centuries Western culture has been dominated by a "recovery narrative" in which men have seen themselves as "heroes" who, in one of two plots, either re-discover or re-establish the Garden of Eden on earth. Merchant...

Ecology and Ideology

05/11/2013 07:32
by Peter Laska As a science, ecology studies the interrelationships of living things in their abiotic environments. What this science has discovered is that living arrangements in the earth household (now called ecosystems) are enormously complex. In a now classic work [A Sand County Almanac, 1949]...

Radical Ecology: "Science and Worldviews"

05/11/2013 07:28
by Carolyn Merchant Is the earth dead or alive? The ancient cultures of east and west and the native peoples of America saw the earth as a mother, alive, active, and responsive to human action. Greeks and Renaissance Europeans conceptualized the cosmos as a living organism, with a body, soul, and...

Radical ecology and critical theory: A critique of the environmental movement

05/11/2013 07:22
David Bruce Martin, University of Massachusetts - Amherst Abstract The thesis of this dissertation is that the reconstitution of human subjectivity, theoretically and concretely, is necessary to adequately address the global ecological crisis and ongoing social and political domination and...

Radical Ecology

05/11/2013 07:17
Radical ecological thought is not a cohesive belief system or an ideology, but a general description of ideas held by Earth First!ers. It may be viewed as the radical and confrontational side of the ecology movement, as compared to people and movements limited to ideas of conservation. Radical...

Radical Ecology

05/11/2013 07:13
There is now one dominant global culture, an ever expansionist and predatory industrial capitalism, valuing profit above life. It is a system which reduces the entire natural world – mountains, forests, oceans; plants and animal species (including human beings) – into resources to be ordered and...

What is Deep Ecology?

05/11/2013 07:09
by Stephan Harding The word ‘ecology’ originates from the science of biology, where it is used to refer to the ways in which living things interact with each other and with their surroundings. For Arne Naess, ecological science, concerned with facts and logic alone, cannot answer ethical questions...

A Deep Ecology Eight Point Platform

05/11/2013 07:03
formulated by Arne Naess and George Sessions Andrew McLaughlin writes: "The platform, articulated by Arne Naess and George Sessions while they were camping in Death Valley in 1984, is a non-technical statement of principles around which, it is hoped, people with differing ultimate understandings of...

The Heart of Deep Ecology

05/11/2013 07:01
Andrew McLaughlin In the last few hundred years, industrial society has encircled the earth and, in requiring massive disruptions of ecological processes for its ordinary functioning, threatens all forms of life on this planet. Both capitalist and socialist variants of expansionary industrialism...
Items: 551 - 560 of 1634
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