Article archive

A Dancing Ecology Downunder

04/11/2013 17:06
by Arjuna Ben-Zion Weiss PhD The “Sufi Message” is an answer to the cry of humanity today; at this moment, when materialism is all-pervading and commercialism is continually on the increase. The “Sufi Message” respects all Religions, recognises all Scriptures, regards all the Prophets held in...

Conscious Evolution: The Next Stage of Human Development

04/11/2013 17:04
By Barbara Marx Hubbard Conscious evolution is emerging in our generation because humanity has gained the powers of codestruction of our world, or the cocreation of immeasurable futures. The purpose of conscious evolution is to learn how to be responsible for the ethical guidance of evolution. This...

Thomas Berry's The Great Work

04/11/2013 17:01
Heather Eaton "The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects." In The Great Work Thomas Berry invites a deep reflection on our current ecological and cultural predicament. The move through this era of enormous cultural transition, from a period of human devastation of the...

On Not Needing to be Omnipotent

04/11/2013 16:56
Mary Midgley This question about the meaning of being human is really hard for us today. In fact, confusion about it is surely what lands so many of us in climate-change denial, deaf to the alarm-bells that keep ringing in the world around us. The problem of human status paralyzes us. It produces...

Honoring Our Inner and Outer Nature

04/11/2013 16:54
Michael Dowd To be fully human in the 21st century is to celebrate the fact that we are an expression of a multi-billion-year process of creativity, that we are related to all life, and that our Great Work is ensuring a just and thriving future for Earth and its gloriously diverse species....

The Phenomenon of Humanity

04/11/2013 16:52
David Sloan Wilson A few years ago I read The Phenomenon of Man, by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and was amazed by its current relevance. Teilhard was a Jesuit Priest and famed paleontologist at a time when science was regarded as a suitable path to God. Teilhard’s path was too radical for the...

What Does It Mean To Be Human? An Evolutionist’s View

04/11/2013 16:49
By: David Sloan Wilson The Center for Humans and Nature has identified the question “What does it mean to be human?” as important for its central mission of understanding the relationship between humans and nature. In the essays that were commissioned to address the question, the authors seemed...

An Integrating Story for a Sustainable Future

04/11/2013 16:47
byBrian Tomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker We know that the obstacles to the sustainable development and flourishing of life’s ecosystems are considerable. To meet these challenges, the next stage of evolutionary history will require an expansion of our worldview and ethics. The human community...

The Ethics of Islamic Financing

04/11/2013 15:12
By Dr. Muneer Fareed on March 22, 2011   In recent years, the idea of Shariah compliance has taken firm root in the business world and been applied in multiple spheres; everything from Shariah-compliant mortgages to Shariah-compliant hedge funds are growing increasingly popular. The...

Islamic banking - an answer to the credit crunch?

04/11/2013 15:08
Islamic banks seem immune from the current credit crisis. In the past few months, the ‘Islamic Dow Jones' has lost just a few percent, whereas the original stock market index has lost more than a third of its value. Could Islamic banking be a viable alternative to the discredited capitalist system?...
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