Article archive

Dogmatism, Modernization and Islam

04/11/2013 12:20
by Muhammed Asadi Secularization of social thought, of worldview is an indicator of what has been described as “modernization”, a Gesellschaft, when the collective conscience and individual conscience are not in harmony. This is in contrast to a Gemeinschaft, or a community-type social system where...

Liberation of the Mind and Rejection of Religious Dogma

04/11/2013 12:17
By Daniele Bolelli Countless peoples have an irrational fear of questioning what they hold most sacred. Because they think that certain beliefs are desir­able, they come up with contorted rationalizations to justify them against any possible attack, rather than taking an honest look at them. They...

Between Dogmatism and Relativism

04/11/2013 12:13
Duane L. Cady “Religion” comes from the Latin re and ligare and literally means “that which binds together.” The various religions have certainly done the work of binding folks together in our world—into bands, tribes, congregations, denominations, sects, political forces, nations, and...

The Psychology of Religion: A Force For Good or Evil?

04/11/2013 12:09
by Steve Taylor, Ph.D. Is religion the source of conflict, or are deeper problems to blame? Militant atheists such as Richard Dawkins compare religion to a virus which infects human minds and turns potentially rational people into dogmatic automatons, willing to kill and die for their beliefs. But...

Dogmatism and Openness to Experience in the Non-Religious

04/11/2013 11:46
by Scott A. McGreal, MSc. Study finds openness to experience is associated with more dogmatism in atheists. Dogmatism has usually been related to low levels of openness to experience, the latter being an indicator of one's interest in new and non-traditional ideas. Dogmatism has mostly been studied...

Comparative Religions and Belief Systems

04/11/2013 11:34
The ReligionFacts "Big Religion Chart" is an attempt to summarize all the complexities of religions and belief systems into tiny little boxes on a single, quick-reference comparison chart. Our comparison charts are not a substitute for reading about religions, talking with religious adherents, etc....

Reflections on the Politics of Culture

04/11/2013 11:08
Christian Parenti In the academic social sciences, students are taught to think of culture as representing the customs and mores of a society, including its language, art, laws, and religion. Such a definition has a nice neutral sound to it, but culture is anything but neutral. Much of what is...

Social Movements & Culture

04/11/2013 11:06
This site provides resources for the study of social movements in the US, including those movements as linked to transnational and global movements. The emphasis is on recent and contemporary movements, but also provides materials on earlier movements. [Read more] ...  

Interdisciplinary Cultural Theory

04/11/2013 11:05
This site is designed for anyone wishing to know more about the history and current nature of interdisciplinary cultural theory. While especially useful for students and scholars in the field of American studies, including such allied fields as ethnic, gender, queer, and postcolonial studies, it...

The Culture of Politics: The Politics of Culture

04/11/2013 11:01
Joanne B. Freeman In a way, there is an unspoken subtext to this "state-of-the-field" panel on political history. For at least some of us, there is a whisper of uneasiness associated with this topic, a small internal voice concerned about the health and survival of political history. In the...
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