Article archive

Emergent Culture as Regenerative Dynamic of Culture

04/11/2013 10:51
Raymond Williams,the cultural historian defined emergent culture as,“the result of processes where “new meanings and values, new practices, new relationships and kinds of relationships are continually being created.” Williams also used the terms dominant and residual culture in referring to...

Dreams are private myths, myths are public dreams

04/11/2013 10:46
by Joseph Campbell   By demystification I mean too say… shed some clarity on a subject not well understood in a culture that has become mythically illiterate. My goal is also to emphasize the need for a new and overarching myth or story. A story that will serve us as we encounter a time...

Joseph Campbell’s “Transformations of Myth Through Time”

04/11/2013 10:41
Campbell’s efforts provided humanity with the tools by which to understand its spiritual past with a clarity not known until his work. Campbell threw out the lifeline to humanity with his decipherment of a language we no longer speak and that is the language of life otherwise known a...

We are Done with Civilization 1.0: A Planetary Culture is What Comes Next !

04/11/2013 10:35
A new culture that transcends national boundaries, traditional political affiliations, religious beliefs, nationalism, and ethnicity is beginning to make its presence felt around the world.  Amidst the ongoing decay of the Current World System a new found vision is coming to light. - See...

"Two Intellectual Systems: Matter-energy and the Monetary Culture"

04/11/2013 10:27
(summary, by M. King Hubbert) "The world's present industrial civilization is handicapped by the coexistence of two universal, overlapping, and incompatible intellectual systems: the accumulated knowledge of the last four centuries of the properties and interrelationships of matter and energy; and...

Consequences of money

04/11/2013 10:24
We all know the benefits of money. We’re bombarded by them every day. Economists, politicians, journalists, CEOs of corporations and charities, advertisers, tabloids, everyone from Adam Smith to Katie Price and other celebrities famous for the inhaling and exhaling of atmospheric gases – they’ve...

The Money Delusion

04/11/2013 10:22
Recently I was at a dinner party where the paper napkins were printed with the image of a ten pound note. Oddly serene, disturbingly familiar, the Queen’s face stared back at all of us, daring us to wipe our grubby faces on what has become the most sacred of symbols. Not one person did; each napkin...

The Monetary Culture

04/11/2013 10:20
Contrary to the linear time frame our present cultural narrative forces us to inhabit, life is a series of cycles. What’s more, unlike a linear system, which starts one place and ends up in another, cycles feed into each other. We reap what we sow what we reap what we sow. Of course, this means...

Alternative View of Sustainable Development

04/11/2013 10:10
Paul J. Dejillas. Ph.D.   In spite of the several recent developments, the above approach can still be considered as conventional when explaining the nature, scope, and objectives of sustainable development. The term “sustainable development” is broadly described as that state of living where...

Theories on Sustainable Development

04/11/2013 10:07
Paul J. Dejillas Theories on sustainable development now abound. In all this, the overriding theory is the Western neo-classical perspective that pervades in most contemporary interpretations of sustainable development. Some of the more famous neo-classical theories of economics that are used to...
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