Article archive

Unsustainable Development

04/11/2013 10:06
Paul J. Dejillas   In the past, “sustainable development” has not really been expressed as an explicit goal of development. And now we are suffering the consequences; the world is “under siege.” Acid rain, pollution, deforestation, desertification, flooding, global warming, hazardous wastes,...

Prevailing View of Sustainable Development

04/11/2013 10:02
by Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.   In the past, sustainability has not really been expressed as an explicit goal of development. Over time, however, as industrialization progresses, man’s very own survival and existence has been severely threatened because of several factors: limitations and...

Economics of Abudance

04/11/2013 10:00
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.   A s stated earlier, economics originally means household management and that family affairs is much more than just financial or money management. The household is a political unit and structure founded on a hierarchy comprised of the father and...

Resuscitating the Economy

04/11/2013 09:52
by Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.   1.    The term “economics” is more popularly known as the science that deals with the allocation of scarce resources in order to meet the basic needs of the individual, family, or society. But there is more to this than meets the eye. Etymologically,...

Monetary Realities

04/11/2013 09:50
by Paul J. Dejillas   Today, convenience and practicality are the name of the game. We want to live a life that is convenient, a life that provides a minimum amount of freedom, decency, and peace, and at times a little of luxury. I simply needed convenience and enough space to move around when...

Monetary Economy and Globalization

04/11/2013 09:49
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. Mediated economy initially started within the tribe, then, between tribes, communities, towns, cities, regions, and nations. Now, it is becoming a global phenomenon triggered by the rapid advances of new technologies that facilitated speed in the transmission of information...

Alternative Monetary Paradigm

04/11/2013 09:47
by Paul J. Dejillas   Money ought to be given prominence and broader treatment in the design of a new alternative paradigm. The new paradigm intends to focus its treatment on money and to view the latter from a more holistic perspective by integrating into its treatment the major non-economic...

Nature, Functions, and the Development of Money

04/11/2013 09:44
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.   Prior to the appearance of money, values and commodities have been the medium of exchange. Many observers believe that these pre-monetary systems reflect the political, economic, social, and cultural lives of the people then. With the introduction of "paper" money,...

Prevailing World Monetary Theory

04/11/2013 09:42
by Paul J. Dejillas It was Milton Friedman who perceives “money as a means for mediating and facilitating exchange (1962:14). But money, in his view, mainly mediates or facilitates economic exchanges by enabling the act of purchase and sale. In this context, Dr. Ramirez introduces the term...

Mediated Economy

04/11/2013 09:37
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.  Economic transactions or exchanges are made possible only because of the so-called “mediators.” The mediators keep the economy going and vibrant. They turn the wheels of the industry. They are the engines of growth and development. They influence individual decision...
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