Article archive

The Future of Humanity

03/11/2013 12:48
Nick Bostrom The future of humanity is often viewed as a topic for idle speculation.  Yet our beliefs and assumptions on this subject matter shape decisions in both our personal lives and public policy – decisions that have very real and sometimes unfortunate consequences.  It is...

FUTURE HUMANS: Four Ways We May, or May Not, Evolve

03/11/2013 12:39
James Owen But where is evolution taking us? Will our descendants hurtle through space as relatively unchanged as the humans on the starship Enterprise? Will they be muscle-bound cyborgs? Or will they chose to digitize their consciousnesses—becoming electronic immortals?  [Read more]...

Judeo-Christian Cosmology: A Comparative Perspective

03/11/2013 12:33
The primary source for Judeo-Christian cosmology is can be found in the early part of the Bible[1], primarily in Genesis of course[2].  The challenge Charlie had when looking at the Bible from a purely academic and historical sense however, was that he had to account for and be aware of the...

The Christian Man's Evolution: How Darwinism and Faith Can Coexist

03/11/2013 12:29
By Sally Lehrman A geneticist ordained as a Dominican priest, Francisco J. Ayala sees no conflict between Darwinism and faith. Convincing most of the American public of that remains the challenge. [Read more] ...  

Evolutionary Science vs. Creation Theory, and Intellectual Hypocrisy!

03/11/2013 12:27
By Syed Kamran Mirza For thousands of years, scientists were searching answer to the mystery of biological origin in our own planet Earth, because scientists could not quite swallow religious folklore stories of “Creation Theory” fed by various ancient Prophets. Then came the greatest human being...

Pre-Darwinian Theories On Evolution

03/11/2013 12:24
The acceptance of biological evolution is an essential part of the modern scientific explanation of the natural world.  Most scientists and major religions in the Western World have long since incorporated it into their understanding of nature and humanity.  However, some churches...

The Judeo-Christian Cosmology and the Origins of Science

03/11/2013 12:22
Paul Gosselin If we refer to the history of science, modern science originated in Europe in a context (the 16th and 17th centuries) where Christianity was the dominant world-view, permeating all aspects of life[1]. Not only was the proverbial antagonism between 'science' and religion...

Evolution from the Rosicrucian Standpoint

03/11/2013 12:16
Mrs. Max Heindel Every formation of stone, every plant and animal, as well as man, is recorded in some part of that great moving picture. Every event of its past history from its very beginning is pictured there. Nothing is too small or insignificant to prevent its record being imprinted upon that...

Theosophy's View of the Evolution of Man

03/11/2013 12:11
By Henry T., Edge, M.A., D. Litt. e must first know what we are to understand by the word "man." If we may for the purposes of the argument assume (though without admitting) that the scientific evolutionists are right in their theories as to the evolution of the human body, we should still be left...

Edgar Cayce on Human Origins

03/11/2013 11:51
People usually demand a beginning, so in the beginning there was a sea of spirit and it filled all of space. The spirit was static, content, and aware of itself. It was a giant resting on the bosom of its thought and contemplating what it is. Then the spirit moved into action. It withdrew into...
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