Article archive

Human Evolution theory

03/11/2013 11:49
Charles Darwin, (pictured - left - as a young man), whom many people consider to have been the originator of Evolutionary Theory as applicable both to animal life generally and to Humanity in particular, actually shares with Alfred Russel Wallace the attribution for independent development of...

In the Image and Likeness of God: The Sumerian Account

03/11/2013 11:37
A Sumerian text has immortalized the answer given by Enki to the incredulous assembled Anunnaki, who saw in the creation of an Adamu the solution to their unbearable toil: The creature whose name you uttered— IT EXISTS! All you have to do, he added, is to Bind upon it the image of...

Ancient Sumerian Translation: The Creation of Man

03/11/2013 11:31
by Samuel Noah Kramer Among the oldest known conceptions of the creation of man are those of the Hebrews and the Babylonians; the former is narrated in the book of Genesis, the latter forms part of the Babylonian ”Epic of Creation.” According to the Biblical story, or at least according to one of...

The Creation of Man: The Sumerian Account

03/11/2013 11:25
THE ASSERTION, first recorded and transmitted by the Sumerians, that "Man" was created by the Nefilim, appears at first sight to clash both with the theory of evolution and with the Judeo-Christian tenets based on the Bible. But in fact, the information contained in the Sumerian texts - and only...

The Scientific Evidence For the Origin of Man

03/11/2013 11:09
By David N. Menton, Ph.D. One of the most fundamental beliefs of evolutionism is that man has evolved from beasts through time, chance and natural selection. Some insist that evolutionism does not teach that man evolved from apes but rather from "ape-like" ancestors. This argument is specious as...

Decoding Human Evolution

03/11/2013 11:07
New technologies allow for an unprecedented look at the origins of homo sapiens. They tell us where we came from, and with whom we mingled. Traditionally, the evidence to reconstruct our evolutionary history has come from comparative anatomy and from the prehistoric evidence of artefacts and...

The Origin of Man

03/11/2013 11:05
by Don Daae, P. Geol   There is a mystery that surrounds the origin of Man. When did man appear on the earth and how? The Bible is definite as to how God created man and woman. However, the Bible is not definite as to the exact time in terms of Earth years that Man was created by God....

What is the Meaning of Life?

03/11/2013 10:57
Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith There IS an answer to the question of ‘what is the meaning of life’, BUT until we could explain our seemingly-imperfect, ‘good-and-evil’-afflicted HUMAN CONDITION we couldn’t afford to acknowledge what that meaning is. The truth is, any meaningful thoughts on...

The Meaning of Life

03/11/2013 10:50
by Carl Zimmer It’s hard to think of a word more charged with meaning—or meanings—than “life.” Some of the most passionate debates of our day, over stem cells or the right to die, genetically modified food, or wartime conduct, revolve around it. Whether we’re talking about when life begins or when...

The Origin of Life on Earth

03/11/2013 10:47
Neil deGrasse Tyson The search for life in the universe begins with a deep question: what is life? Astrobiologists will tell you honestly that this question has no simple or generally accepted answer. Not much use to say that we'll know it when we see it. No matter what characteristic we specify to...
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