Article archive

The Meaning of "Life"

03/11/2013 10:43
Steven M. Potter The word "life" has probably been around ever since mankind began using language. It is a word of fundamental importance to all of us, and seldom do we make it through an entire day without putting it to use. We do so, however, with only a sketchy and subjective idea of what life...

What Is Life?

03/11/2013 10:40
I am not going to answer this question — J. B. S. Haldane (1) The units of life are cells — Lynn Margulis (2) People like to say, as if it were obvious, that life is hard to define. This is misleading. Life has properties that clearly distinguish it from...

In Support of the Theory of Abiogenesis

03/11/2013 10:36
By Biologist Nasif Nahle Abiogenesis means "origin by abiotic processes ". The concept refers to the "generation of living beings that start as inert systems, by means of inorganic autocatalytic processes".At present, this abiotic process no longer happens on Earth. We have not observed the...

Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible

03/11/2013 10:34
Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. Abiogenesis is the theory that life can arise spontaneously from non-life molecules under proper conditions.  Evidence for a large number of transitional forms to bridge the stages of this process is critical to prove the abiogenesis theory, especially during the early...

The Theory of Abiogenesis

03/11/2013 10:31
Question: "What is the theory of abiogenesis? What is the definition of abiogenesis?" Answer: Abiogenesis is the idea of life originating from non-living material (non-life). This concept has expanded a great deal as mankind’s understanding of science has grown, but all forms of abiogenesis have...

Upload Your Brain Into A Hologram: Project Avatar 2045 - A New Era For Humanity Or Scientific Madness?

03/11/2013 10:27 - Would you like to live forever? What do you think about the idea that your conscious mind will be uploaded into a hologram? How far should scientists go in their quest for human immortality? Theses are just some of the many questions that concern Project Avatar 2045. More than...

Biogenesis Theory

03/11/2013 07:55
The biogenesis theory states that living things are produced from living things only and can be created in no other way. This theory of biogenesis is completely opposite from the spontaneous generation theory. But before we go into the details of theory of biogenesis, let us understand the...

The Origin of Life: A history of Ancient Greek Theories

03/11/2013 07:41
Joyce Puglia This unit presents a history of scientific thought relating to the origin of life as explained mainly by early greek scientific philosophers. The unit begins with Greek science during the eighth century B.C. and procees quickly into the seventh century B.C., concluding with the fourth...

Panspermia and the Origin of Life on Earth

03/11/2013 07:40
Panspermia is a Greek word that translates literally as "seeds everywhere". The panspermia hypothesis states that the "seeds" of life exist all over the Universe and can be propagated through space from one location to another. Some believe that life on Earth may have originated through these...

The Greek Atomists' Concept of Atoms and Void

03/11/2013 07:28
Like Anaxagoras and Empedocles, The Atomists claimed that there was a level of reality that satisfied the Eleatic demands. This level of reality was populated by atoms and the void. Atoms are, literally, indivisible particles, which are so small that they can be split no further. The atoms qualify...
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