Article archive

Democritus concept of Void and Space

03/11/2013 07:18
The atomists held that there are two fundamentally different kinds of realities composing the natural world, atoms and void. Atoms, from the Greek adjective atomos or atomon, ‘indivisible,’ are infinite in number and various in size and shape, and perfectly solid, with no internal gaps. They move...

The Chinese Philosophical Thinking of Space

03/11/2013 07:14
Like time, space is an abstract term for a complex set of ideas. Different cultures differ in how they divide up their world, assign values to its parts, and measure them. In the biblical viewpoint, Genesis describes the creation of the world out of nothingness, God dwells in heaven, and part of...

The Chinese Philosophical Thinking of Time

03/11/2013 07:11
Shi is commonly translated into English as “time”. Time is an intellectual concept that requires a metaphoric model since time has no concrete reality. “Before 1915 space and time were thought of as a fixed arena in which events took place, but which was not affected by what happened in it,” “space...

The Arrow of Time: The Second Law of Thermodynamics

03/11/2013 07:09
Thermodynamics is the branch of theoretical physics which deals with the laws of heat motion, and the conversion of heat into other types of energy. The word is derived from the Greek words therme ("heat") and dynamis ("force"). It is based upon two fundamental principles originally derived from...

The Arrow of Time

03/11/2013 07:06
The laws of nature, except the second law of thermodynamics, are symmetric in time. Reversing the time in the dynamical equations of motion simply describes everything going backwards. The second law is different. Entropy must never decrease in time. Many natural processes are apparently...

A Quantum Arrow of Time

03/11/2013 07:03
The mathematical laws of physics work just as well for events going forward or going backward in time. Yet in the real world, hot coffee never unmixes itself from cold milk. A theorist publishing in the 21 August Physical Review Letters offers a new explanation for this apparent conflict between...

Vedic Time System

03/11/2013 06:57
The Hindu view of time can be broadly referred to as the Vedic Time System. kala (Time) is regarded as not linear or single-directional movement, like an arrow speeding from past to future. The idea of Time itself was quite advanced in Hindu Heritage. The Hindu concept talks of Rhythm or universal...

In Hinduism, Time is Cyclical

03/11/2013 06:52
The concept of eternal and cyclical time lies at the heart of the Hindu world view and is closely related to the concept of atman. (Hindu sages claim that the individual's self-understanding determines his or her perception of the world.) Hindus consider the real self to be ever-existing, not only...

Time in Hinduism

03/11/2013 06:48
Hinduism perceives time to flow in great cycles called yugas. There are four yugas and depending upon the yuga the duration varies. The four yugas along with their duration in earthly years are: [Read more] ...  

On the History and Philosophy of 20th Century Cosmology

02/11/2013 19:09
by Helge Kragh The term "cosmology" has several different connotations, ranging from a society's world-view to the scientific study of the universe at large. I shall deal only with the latter meaning of the term, but even then it is far from obvious what cosmology is, exactly. [Read more]...
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