Article archive

Origin and Definition of Life

02/11/2013 18:24
What is Life? Probably the best place to begin our discussion of the Earth’s biogeography is to answer the following question. What is life? While the reply to this question may appear simple, scientists have actually spent considerable time pondering this problem. In fact, many scientists would...

The Five Stages of Growth

02/11/2013 17:56
W.W. Rostow It is possible to identify all societies, in their economic dimensions, as lying within one of five categories: the traditional society, the preconditions for take-off, the take-off, the drive to maturity, and the age of high mass-consumption. [Read more] ...  

The Original Affluent Society

02/11/2013 17:51
Marshall Sahlins Hunter-gatherers consume less energy per capita per year than any other group of human beings. Yet when you come to examine it the original affluent society was none other than the hunter's - in which all the people's material wants were easily satisfied. To accept that hunters are...

Hazel Henderson: There is 21st Century Abundance Hiding in 19th Century Scarcity Politics

02/11/2013 17:07
Terry Waghorn Scarcity is a common fear.  What evidence to you see leading toward abundance? Today’s politics of austerity, defeatism and fear in Europe and the USA are driving backlashes and radical change.  Human spirit, energy and creativity, especially among the young at heart, can...

Theologians and Economists: Scarcity and Abundance

02/11/2013 17:05
Kruse Kronicle What am I going to do today? Whether you’re a meticulous planner or you fly by the seat of your pants, we all face the same reality: Every decision we make to do something today is a decision not to do everything else. We are constrained by the limited number of hours in any...

The Economy of Abundance

02/11/2013 17:03
Chris Anderson With great admiration, I have been watching Chris Anderson's book "The Long Tail" hit the New York Times best seller list and dominate the scarce business book shelf space of the brick and mortar bookstore world. The Long Tail is not just a geeky concept for the O'Reilly crowd, it is...

The Economics of Abundance

02/11/2013 16:59
by Friedrich A. Hayek A situation in which abundant unused reserves of all kinds of resources (including all intermediate products) exist may occasionally prevail in the depths of a depression. But it is certainly not a normal position on which a theory claiming general applicability could be...

Scarcity & Abundance - the Inflection Point

02/11/2013 16:57
by Jim Pinto Over the years, people always have felt that scarcity will ultimately prevail over abundance. However, Necessity (the mother of invention) turns scarcity into abundance. Abundances and scarcities play out in a spiral of reciprocity, with each producing its opposite in the cycles of...

Valuing abundance – breaking the tyranny of resource scarcity

02/11/2013 16:53
Joss Tantram It's time to learn from nature's system of abundance if we are to have a sustainable future. Scarcity makes us think small at a time when we should be thinking big. Scarcity makes us fight for our share of the scraps when our planet's life could support us in sharing abundance....

The Economics of Abundance

02/11/2013 16:50
Wolfgang Hoeschele Economics is the study of how resources are distributed, and to that basic foundation most economists add two assumptions. Firstly, that resources are scarce. That’s why there is competition for them. Secondly, that wants are unlimited, which is why we never reach a point of...
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