Article archive

Life on Earth… but not as we know it

02/11/2013 15:56
Robin Mckie Never mind aliens in outer space. Some scientists believe we may be sharing the planet with 'weird' lifeforms that are so different from our own they're invisible to us. [Read more] ...  

The Invisible World: All About Microbes

02/11/2013 15:53
Andrea Thompson The term “microbe” describes bacteria, archaea, single-celled eukaryotic organisms such as amoebas, slime molds and parameciums, and even viruses by some broad definitions.  [Read more] ...  

The Elements of Living Nature

02/11/2013 15:48
In the beginning of all cultural tradition there were the elements of nature. Even today, the global indigenous peoples regard these elements as sacred. Moreover, these same elements were invariably spoken of by the saints and sages of all cultural civilisations and tribal peoples of the planet....

History of Cosmology

02/11/2013 15:18
Cosmology is the study of the Universe and its components, how it formed, how its has evolved and what is its future. Modern cosmology grew from ideas before recorded history. Ancient man asked questions such as "What's going on around me?" which then developed into "How does the Universe work?",...

The Five Elements

02/11/2013 15:16
Like Yin and Yang, TCM’s Five Element theory is ancient and Universal in what it embodies. The Five Elements are deeply woven into the fabric of Chinese culture. In fact, Five Element theory is the foundation of Chinese disciplines such as feng shui, the martial arts, and the I Ching (The Book of...

Beyond Environment: Falling Back in Love with Mother Earth

02/11/2013 15:10
by Thich Nhat Hanh In an interview at his home and retreat centre in Plum Village, near Bordeaux, Thay outlines how a spiritual revolution is needed if we are going to confront the multitude of environmental challenges. While many experts point to the enormous complexity and difficulty in...

An Ecological Enlightenment

02/11/2013 15:08
by Stephan Harding Ecobuddhism: The Arctic sea ice is at an all-time low as we speak (October 2012). It could be gone in summer within five years…creating a definitive climate tipping point. How do you respond to that? Stephan Harding: In many different ways.  First of all it shows that the...

Evolutionary Flow

02/11/2013 15:05
Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi Q: In your books The Evolving Self and Finding Flow, you speak about evolution, particularly about human evolution. Could you define what you mean by "evolution"? MIHALY CSIKSZENTMIHALYI:  At the most abstract level, what I mean by "evolution" is the increasing...

Buddhism and the Climate-Energy Emergency

02/11/2013 15:03
Environmental and social breakdown is now vast and global in scale.   Technological advances have provided the basis for a new kind of social evolution, beyond cultural, religious or spiritual boundaries.  Technology, however, is not ultimately directed by reason, but by internal...

Requiem for a Species

02/11/2013 14:58
Clive Hamilton Governments around the world no longer represent the interests of the people but are now in thrall to a powerful group of energy companies and the ideology of growth fetishism they embody. [Read more] ...  
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