Article archive

Spiritual Narcissism / Spiritual Ecology

02/11/2013 14:54
Matthew Fox & Llewelyn Vaughan-Lee Matthew Fox: Today we are discussing ecology and spirituality. Now who can deny that it doesn't matter what your particular tradition is, or if you're an atheist, if your backyard is burning up and you can't plant food anymore, and the waters are rising? We're...

The Universe Story

02/11/2013 14:52
by Briane Swimme and Thomas Berry The story of the Universe has been told in many ways by the peoples of Earth, from the earliest periods of Paleolithic development and the Neolithic village communities to the classical civilizations that have emerged in the past 5000 years. In all these...

On Spiritual Ecology

02/11/2013 14:47
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee 'Spiritual Ecology' is a concept you have put forward that we also find very relevant. Could you please expand on what you have written about ‘loss of soul’ in the context of the global ecological crisis: The inner wasteland is as barren as the Tar Sands in Alberta and Like...

Daoist Cosmology

02/11/2013 14:14
Cosmology refers to discourse on or theories concerning the structure and underlying principles of the cosmos.   Historically speaking, there are various Daoist cosmologies. The foundational Daoist cosmology incorporates “traditional Chinese cosmology,” which centers of correlative cosmology...

The Five Cosmic Elements as Depicted in Indian and Chinese Cosmologies

02/11/2013 14:12
S. Mahdihassan Indian and Chinese Cosmologies are compared, each containing five cosmic elements. The Indian elements are Akasha, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Akasha connotes Creative energy. As depicted it is substituted by reproduction projected as creation. Hence the male and female...

Cosmology and Five Elements

02/11/2013 14:10
At its most basic level, Chinese cosmology holds that the Universe is composed of three layers: Tian (Heaven), Di 地 (Earth), and Ren 人 (Human Beings). Tian and Di give birth to the Ten Thousand Things; among these, Ren is the most valuable treasure. Each of these three layers is composed of the...

Basic Principles: the 5 Universal Components of Life

02/11/2013 12:39
In Tibetan Medicine, one finds both Asian systems of these famous "five elements":    The Indian system, in which they apear primarily as the 5 fundamental components of all relative phenomena, corresponding to what, on one level, we would currently call matter, bonding,...

Buddhism, Cosmology & Evolution

02/11/2013 12:37
by John Stanley & David Loy Even with all these profound scientific theories of the origin of the universe, I am left with serious questions: What existed before the big bang? Where did the big bang come from? What caused it? Why has our planet evolved to support life? What is the relationship...

Buddhism & the Fate of the Species

02/11/2013 12:31
by John Stanley & David Loy Another externality dismissed in market systems is the fate of the species. Systemic risk in the financial system can be remedied by the taxpayer, but no one will come to the rescue if the environment is destroyed. That it must be destroyed is close to an...

A Buddhist Perspective On Ecological Responsibility

02/11/2013 12:28
by John Stanley & David Loy The institutions of our society co-arise with us. They are not independent structures separate from our inner lives, like some backdrop to our personal dramas. Nor are they merely projections of our own minds. As collective forms of our ignorance, fears and greed,...
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