Article archive

Wave-Particle Duality

02/11/2013 08:26
The earliest steps in the development of quantum physics arose from the investigation into something as mundane as why metal glows red when hot. The great German physicist Max Planck had been studying the problem of black body radiation in the late 1890s. [Read more] ...  

Early Developments in Atomic Theory

02/11/2013 08:24
The development of quantum theory was arguably many centuries in the making. As early as the 5th Century B.C., the Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus first put forward the idea that everything around us was made of tiny indivisible pieces called atoms scattered in an infinite void. [Read...

The Wave Particle Duality of Light and Matter

02/11/2013 08:21
The 'particle' conception of matter (from ancient Greeks) has caused many problems and paradoxes for modern Physics (as the quotes below make clear). Strangely, it is only in the past 20 years that a pure Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) has been properly examined. We then find (by replacing...

Extraterrestrials Among Us

02/11/2013 08:12
Michael E. Salla There is startling evidence from a number of independent sources that ‘human looking’ extraterrestrial visitors have integrated with and lived in major population centers up until recently, and this is known by a select number of government agencies and military departments. A...

Sumerian Legend: On Farming

02/11/2013 07:58
Ud-ul-uru (Old man cultivator) gave advice to his son: When you have to prepare a field, inspect the levees, canals and mounds that have to be opened. When you let the flood water into the field, this water should not rise too high in it. At the time that the field emerges from the water, watch its...

The Epic of Creation: The Sumerian Account

02/11/2013 07:51
by Zecharia Sitchin Enuma Elish.... "....An Akkadian seal from the third millennium B.C., now at the Vorderasiatische Abteilung of the State Museum in East Berlin (catalogued VA/243), departs from the usual manner of depicting the celestial bodies. It does not show them individually but rather as a...

Cosmogony and Cosmology: Sumerian Era

02/11/2013 07:36
Thorkild Jacobsen: Professor of Assyriology, Harvard University, 1962-74. Author of The Sumerian Kinglist; "Mesopotamia" in The Intellectual History of Ancient Man  Reprinted by Permission. Though the "Eridu Genesis" may have come close to treating existence as a whole, a true cosmogonic and...

Sumerian Legend of Creation

02/11/2013 07:34
ENUMA ELISH TABLET I When skies above were not yet named Nor earth below pronounced by name, Apsu, the first one, their begetter And maker Tiamat, who bore them all, Had mixed their waters together, But had not formed pastures, nor discovered reed-beds; When yet no gods were manifest, Nor names...

Climate science: Why the world won't listen

02/11/2013 07:29
by Adam Corner WHEN scholars of the future write the history of climate change, they may look to early 2008 as a pivotal moment. Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth was bringing the science to the masses. The economist Nicholas Stern had made the financial case for tackling the problem sooner...

Little bugs on the prairie: the key to happy grassland

02/11/2013 07:22
by Sarah Fecht To fix a damaged ecosystem you need to start from the ground up – with the microbes that live in the soil. The first step in that direction has been taken for the tallgrass prairies of the US Midwest – a once fertile landscape now described as a near-extinct biome. [Read more]...
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