Article archive

A Quick Guide to the Origin & History of Halloween

01/11/2013 05:33
By David Emery Halloween is a secular holiday combining vestiges of traditional harvest festival celebrations with customs more peculiar to the occasion such as costume wearing, trick-or-treating, pranksterism, and decorative imagery based on the changing of the seasons, death, and the...

Paleontologist Presents Origin of Life Theory

01/11/2013 05:28
by John Davis for Texas Tech News Lubbock TX (SPX) Oct 31, 2013 It has baffled humans for millennia: how did life begin on planet Earth? Now, new research from a Texas Tech University paleontologist suggests it may have rained from the skies and started in the bowels of hell. [Read more] ...  

The Physics of Time Travel

31/10/2013 19:57
by Michio Kaku In H.G. Wells’ novel, The Time Machine, our protagonist jumped into a special chair with blinking lights, spun a few dials, and found himself catapulted several hundred thousand years into the future, where England has long disappeared and is now inhabited by strange creatures called...

Dark Energy, Dark Matter

31/10/2013 19:51
In the early 1990's, one thing was fairly certain about the expansion of the Universe. It might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and recollapse, it might have so little energy density that it would never stop expanding, but gravity was certain to slow the expansion as time went on....

Einstein's Special Relativity

31/10/2013 19:48
By Andrew Zimmerman Jones and Daniel Robbins In 1905, Albert Einstein published the theory of special relativity, which explains how to interpret motion between different inertial frames of reference — that is, places that are moving at constant speeds relative to each other. [Read more] ...  

Time According to Einstein's Theory of Relativity

31/10/2013 19:44
In 1915, Albert Einstein first proposed his theory of special relativity.  Essentially, this theory proposes the universe we live in includes 4 dimensions, the first three being what we know as space, and the fourth being spacetime, which is a dimension where time and space are inextricably...

Albert Einstein and the Fabric of Time

31/10/2013 19:42
Surprising as it may be to most non-scientists and even to some scientists, Albert Einstein concluded in his later years that the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. In 1952, in his book Relativity, in discussing Minkowski's Space World interpretation of his theory of relativity,...

The Fundamental Forces of Nature

31/10/2013 19:37
here are 4 fundamental forces that have been identified. In our present Universe they have rather different properties: The strong interaction is very strong, but very short-ranged. It acts only over ranges of order 10-13 centimeters and is responsible for holding the nuclei of atoms together. It...

5 Reasons We May Live in a Multiverse

31/10/2013 19:30
by Clara Moskowitz, The universe we live in may not be the only one out there. In fact, our universe could be just one of an infinite number of universes making up a "multiverse." Though the concept may stretch credulity, there's good physics behind it. And there's not just one way to get to a...

Multiverse Theory

31/10/2013 19:27
The Multiverse theory for the universe has been a recently accepted theory that describes the continuous formation of universes through the collapse of giant stars and the formation of black holes.  [Read more] ...  
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