Article archive

Lost Civilization Beneath The Indian Ocean

14/08/2013 09:38 - Archaeologists believe there are ruins of an ancient lost civilization beneath the waters of the Indian Ocean. Evidence suggest humans lived in the area in and around the Persian Gulf Oasis for over 100,000 years before the region was swallowed up by the Indian Ocean about...

Interview With Erich von Däniken Father of The Ancient Astronauts Theory

14/08/2013 09:36 - Erich von Däniken, widely regarded as the father of ancient alien theory is one of the most successful and influential alternative history authors who have sold millions of books world-wide. Born in 1935, Switzerland, Däniken shocked the world with his first book Chariots of...

Thousands Unknown Ancient Structures Seen From Space: Puzzling Aerial Archeology In The Middle East

14/08/2013 09:34 - Thousands of huge ancient structures made of stone are clearly visible from the air. Their age is estimated to thousands of years and their purpose remains unknown. These puzzling wheel-shapes, and straight lines, stretch all the way from Syria to Saudi Arabia. [Read more] ...

Archaeologists Unearth More Sumerian Secrets That Offer Clues To Our Past

14/08/2013 09:32 - Archaeologists excavating in Iraq have unearth more ancient Sumerian items that could offer clues to our past. "Priceless information about mankind's past lies concealed beneath Iraq's landscape, especially in the 'tells' - earth mounds - that are the remains of ancient towns,...

Extraterrestrial Visit Recorded On Stone: They Came From The Stars!

14/08/2013 09:29 - Rock carvings and paintings often constitute the only surviving evidence of prehistoric events on Earth and from time to time we find them in most inaccessible places of the world. According to a very ancient manuscript called Huai-nan-tsu dated to 2,000 BC "spirits came...

Theory of Everything

14/08/2013 09:16
Examines current concepts relating matter-energy to space-time and the fundamental forces of nature as physicists are currently attempting to do; however, also interrelates intelligence-consciousness to this formulation. [Read more] ...

Advanced Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Their Technology And Capabilities

14/08/2013 09:13
13 August, 2013 - "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, "Arthur C. Clarke once wrote a long time ago. In this Xenology article we take a look at who could be out there and what kind of advanced technology they could posses. "Soon, humanity...

Will Higgs Boson 'Portal' Help Reveal Dark Energy?

13/08/2013 10:33
12 August, 2013 - One of the biggest mysteries in contemporary particle physics and cosmology is why dark energy, which is observed to dominate energy density of the universe, has a remarkably small (but not zero) value. This value is so small, it is perhaps 120 orders of...

France confirms it will continue ban on GMO corn, despite council ruling

12/08/2013 06:33
Friday, August 09, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff (NaturalNews) It has been confirmed that France will extend its moratorium on the cultivation of Monsanto's genetically-modified (GM) MON810 corn within its borders, despite a recent ruling by the French Council of State that the longstanding ban violates...

MSNBC host says newborn infants don’t count as ‘alive’ unless parents decide they do; infanticide is the new abortion

12/08/2013 06:30
(NaturalNews) Today Natural News denounces Melissa Harris-Perry, the latest talking head “death worshipper” to publicly imply that she supports the murder of living, breathing newborn children. According to Harris-Perry, life begins when the parents feel like life begins. And together...
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