

This site is all about Cosmic Anthropology: its meanings, its attendant principles, its perspective for viewing reality, and its approaches to solving problems. It forms the basic framework and model around which the five subjects I taught in class are anchored. This was how I developed the ACA program when I was teaching at ASI for more than 30 years. The views I expressed were developed as a product of my research and experience that dates back to my college days in the seminary. 

They do not reflect the vision, objectives, and program of the Institute I worked with. Any theories that I have discovered personally, including the errors that ensued in the process, are solely my responsibility. I have published this on this website for the benefit of the general public. I will be continually updating my theories and will be publishing them here and in book form. They are intended for educational, not for commercial purposes. 


Basic Orientation 

While Cosmic Anthropology is an emerging paradigm now discussed in academic circles, this view of looking at reality is not really something new, since our ancient ancestors, and even today’s indigenous peoples and tribal communities, have always been using the cosmic perspective in understanding the meaning of their existence and their role in this vast universe of ours. Interestingly, however, the physical sciences -- most especially cosmology, astronomy, physics, biology, chemistry, medical sciences, and neurosciences -- starting from the 20th century have already been discussing issues that used to be the domain of religion, mysticism, theology, esotericism, occultism, philosophy, and theology. 


Utilizing the Method of Contemporary Science

Propelled by the discovery of quantum physics and heavily utilizing the methods of science and the language of mathematics and calculus, scientists are now freely discussing such issues as extraterrestrial life and civilization, parallel universes, multiverse as against universe, time-space travel, intelligent design, anthropic principle, energy or spirit realm, etc. which have their parallelisms in the subjects discussed in the world's ancient religions. Recently, the physical sciences have even dared discuss such paranormal phenomena as telepathy, mind reading, teleportation, bilocation, invisibility, astral projection, dreams, spirituality, and many other occurrences that do not normally depend on the information perceived by our five physical senses from the objective world.

In the meantime, arts and humanities -- which include such disciplines as philosophy, theology, religion, and mysticism -- are now adopting the methods of science and utilizing its findings in their quest for the ultimate truth about our reality.


What could all this indicate? 

The boundaries between and among the various disciplines are getting thinner and thinner and a new approach, which is tending towards multidisciplinary dialogues and exchanges, interdisciplinary cooperation, holism, or universalism, has emerged. Every discipline is crossing each other's boundaries in search of the truth. In the process, scientists have become mystics and vice versa. And many feel that this "crossing over" into other disciplines has created a vacuum that needs to be filled up by another overarching paradigm. Indeed, every discipline is now in search of that  "Ultimate Theory of Everything" that can give sense and meaning to all existing highly specialized theories of everything.



In developing the subject of Cosmic Anthropology, I am utilizing the approaches and methods of the physical and social sciences, as a take-off point, in trying to respond to the fundamental questions of humanity – who are we, where and how did we appear, what is our future and destiny. I will proceed by comparing the views of science with that of Mysticism, which is used here to refer to the world's major religious or spiritual beliefs like Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Theosophy, Kabbalah, New Age, etc., including ancient beliefs of the world's tribal peoples and communities.



The overall objective is to highlight some parallelisms, similarities, commonalities, even, differences, and convergences (if there are any at all) in terms of their principles, beliefs, approaches, methodologies, programs, and so on. And this is generally what Cosmic Anthropology is all about. The contribution of Cosmic Anthropology is explored in terms of the application of the commonalities to the transformation of individuals and societies.

Introducing Applied Cosmic Anthropology

Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.


I find my theory on cosmic anthropology very much relevant today. It’s different from Anthropic Cosmology, introduced in 1973 by Australian physicist Brandon Carter in response to the Copernican principle that, according to him, demoted humanity from its privileged position within the Cosmos. My theory argued further by advancing that humanity is an equal partner of the Cosmos. Humanity is not within the Cosmos, it is coequal with the Cosmos. The photo below illustrates this.


The Cosmos We Know

The background is the Milky Way Galaxy of which our Solar System is part. The child at the center represents humanity being present in all the planets, stars, and galaxies.

It shows the human face of the Cosmos, the place we call home. It seeks to bring home a message that we ought to treat our Planet Earth humanely, worthy of recognition and respect because we are products and creatures of the Cosmos. The Cosmos engulfs us, yet everything that is in us is in the Cosmos, including the forces that animate it. The Cosmos embraces us in the same manner that we envelop the Cosmos. 

We are one and the same with the Cosmos. The Cosmos mirrors us in the same manner that we are the perfect image of the Cosmos. Everything that the Cosmos has, we have, and vice versa.

The Cosmos continues the process of creation through us. In the same way, the Cosmos continues to live and grow because of us. The Cosmos was created because of us. It knew we were coming and it prepared a smorgasbord of abundance for us that can last even if we will no longer be around. Humanity was created to continually protect, nourish, and sustain the health and life of the Cosmos.


But We Are Degrading Our Planet

Yet, we've been polluting our atmosphere with toxic wastes coming from fossil fuels, desecrating our forests, and polluting our rivers, streams, and oceans with industrial wastes, in the process, killing those affected inhabitants mercilessly. We have done damage to our Cosmos. In retaliation, the Cosmos is fighting back against us at an even greater intensity, sending us floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, fires, earthquakes, threats of meteoric bombardments, and deadly coronaviruses. And all these catastrophes are getting more fatal and frequent across the globe as days go by. Yes, what we have done to Nature has boomeranged on us. The Cosmos is violently waging war against us because, for so long, we have been hurting it and all the creatures in it. 


An Alternative Paradigm

We need a new theory of cosmology and a new theory of anthropology. And we need to embed it into our societal systems as our guide for governance and leadership. Viewing humanity from the cosmic perspective might still offer us a better alternative to transform ourselves, our society, and our environment.

The cosmic perspective of viewing humanity entails going back to the ultimate beginning of all things, the time of the Big Bang, seeking explanations from that mysterious primordial atom that gave birth to all the forms and structures we see around us today. It necessitates going back even to the earlier beginnings of our life and existence for the purpose of searching for explanations to such questions as:

-- Who or what are we?

-- Why do we exist at all?

-- What is our role in the entire cosmic design?

-- What is our future and destiny?

Above all, it impels us to align ourselves--our thoughts, feelings, aspirations, and behavior--to the will and intent of the Cosmic Designer as well as to its laws and forces that direct and regulate our behavior.

Come Join Us!


More and more individuals and institutions are joining the movement toward total transformation through the lens of the Cosmos. It has been going on for the past decades now. It can no longer be stopped. Join me on my FB, website, and YouTube to learn more about the cosmic anthropological perspective. Do not hesitate to contact me. I conduct a one to three-day lived-in seminar-workshop on Cosmic Humanity.