Root Chakra
Masculine and Feminine Energy
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – June 3, 2021
It's a challenge to balance the feminine and masculine energy in us. This is true especially for men. The world today is to me very cerebral, masochistic, and violent. Even, among many women, the masculine energy is quite intense. Everyone wants dominance and power, too sensitive if their ego is being pricked. I'm not talking to one particular individual, but from my observation and both direct and vicarious experiences. Nevertheless, I still love women. Without them, I could not be where and what I am today, whatever this means. To this, I am most grateful.
Who must bend first, a man with feminine energy or a woman with masculine one?
In my experience, I have no control of how others drive on the road. But I can control my driving. From experience, I learned that change ought to start from me. Only then will change happen. I cannot wait for others to change since I'm getting no assurance that they will change. Oh, what a life! And I'll do my part first to start a change, hoping that this first and lonely step will reverberate to others later, I don't know when.