Our Real Self
Other Versions of Our Real Self
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
November 14, 2023
Is it really possible that we have other versions of our Real Self out there?
This question is most fitting only to those who believe in reincarnation. Non-believers would simply dismiss the narrative below as a hallucination and a product of one’s wild imagination. It’s okay.
I remember having a dinner appointment with my girlfriend at the Intercontinental Hotel to discuss a research project that was to be commissioned by her office. She was ahead of me by a few minutes to browse the project documents and was already served drinks and some appetizers.
I was just taking things in stride, thinking that I was still early. It was in this relaxing mood and atmosphere that, as I entered the dining area, I instantaneously noticed a beautiful young lady dressed in colorful apparel and sporting a feather on her head, a costume worn by Native American Indians and many indigenous peoples across the globe.
It was surprising to see this kind of vision in a five-star hotel. Drawn to her strong presence, I gradually realized it was my girlfriend who was waiting for me. I composed myself and took a few sips to appear normal. Having settled down, I told her about the vision.
Instead of being surprised, she was all smiles in telling me about the vision, happy to be verified about who she was in one of her past life. We spent the whole evening talking about reincarnation.
This could be what quantum physicists, string theorists, cosmologists, and ancient theorists are saying. We have other versions of ourselves in different times and places in the past. The experience of the young lady was another version of herself. Her existence as an American Indian was true and real. It was another of her personality that cannot be ignored.
Other versions of our Selves are also referred to by other names like Twin Souls, Soul Mates, and Doppelgängers. You must have experienced being told by hypnotherapists or mystics that you were once somebody else in the past, somewhere in other places before you become what you are today. For example:
1. A staff of the first Pharaoh of Egypt;
2. A Buddhist monk from another time in Tibet;
3. A Native American Indian;
4. A Guru in India;
5. A stone, rock, insect, plant, tree, river, animal, or chimpanzee;
6. An extraterrestrial being from another planet or galaxy.
Michio Kaku said that as we are living here right now, there are other versions of ourselves out there in other universes parallel to ours. We could be doing different things at the same time that we are busy doing something else here. This is how new physics and modern science would like us to see ourselves and the world we are living in.
How is this possible?
What is happening in the higher dimensions is not happening in the past or future. All are happening at the same time now. The life of the native American Indian lady continues to happen even as she continues living a different life here on Earth today.
This can be mind-bending but I cannot explain it any simpler. You don’t have to believe. Knowledge is enough.
Know That the Essence of Our Real Self Here in This 4-D World of Ours is Dual
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
October 30, 2023
Does this mean that we have a split or double personality? If so, is this beneficial or disadvantageous to our survival here on Earth? And, is this a help or a hindrance in our quest for spiritual advancement?
Anyway, what does it mean when we say we have a dual personality?
Quantum physics discovered that in the quantum world, elements like electrons can manifest and behave as particles or as waves. They can even do the same as both particles and waves simultaneously.
And quantum physicists say this is also true in our case since we are made of the same quantum elements that compose the atoms, stars, planets, and galaxies.
Particles are directly visible to our ordinary physical senses. But waves, in the world of atoms, are invisible; only their effects can be detected using our state-of-the-art instruments.
Ancient knowledge had been right all along. We are comprised of both body (particle) and spirit (wave). We are embodied spirits, so to speak.
While our body, brain, and mind came from the clay that consists of atoms, our spirit is pure and unsoiled by time, space, and matter, having originated from the formless metaphysical realm.
But what does it mean to be an embodied spirit? How does one behave as an embodied spirit?
Both quantum physics and ancient teachings have their respective answers to these questions. So do the world’s major religions and beliefs—Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, and many other New-Age Movements.
Yet, it might be more meaningful and relevant if we can form our own personal view, given all of the above beliefs and taking into consideration our resources, surroundings, and level of spiritual growth.
Meet Your Other Selves!
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
October 19, 2023
Have you experienced an event in your life when you were transported to another time and space?
One early afternoon on October 1 this year (2023), I was driving along our forested subdivision when all of a sudden I got disoriented, feeling lost and unable to determine where I was. Yet, I was fully aware and conscious of my surroundings which were not so much different from the place I was driving along seconds ago.
It was so peaceful, quiet, and calm that I enjoyed a leisurely journey during those precious moments that lasted only around three minutes by earthy standards. But I felt like I was riding along the stream of eternity and infinity.
I sensed there was no end to my journey. I did not feel the rough roads and humps as I drove my car. Funny, but unbelievably I felt like I was floating in an ocean of several clouds.
I was utterly happy, but with a frowning look, I was wondering how I got into this lovely place. Have I entered an invisible portal that transported me to another plane? Was I experiencing an illusion? Or, was I just hallucinating in broad daylight?
Sensing that I was in a different place, I retraced my path to bring me back to “reality”. Indeed, after a few moments, I immediately saw myself back to the original place before I got “lost”.
Baffling and perplexing as it might seem, I had the gut feeling that I was transported to another dimension. I was fully conscious I was in a different realm. But what happened between I could not remember.
I did not know what brought me there and how. I did not know what brought me back and how. Or, was I just simply shifting the focus of my consciousness? As easy as that?
My experience taught me that we have different versions of ourselves simultaneously existing in each of the 12 dimensions out there, even as we exist here and now on this planet.
I was meeting my other Self out there. And I have many other selves waiting to be accessed and met since this journey into another dimension has happened to me many times in the past.
One may ask: “If I have several identities and personalities, why am I only conscious of my earthly Self”?
I can only surmise that the consciousness of this individual is too much focused on the physical that it is unable to realize that there are other dimensions out there where his or her other Selves also exist.
It’s time to realize that we are multidimensional beings and we have that innate faculty and power to access and meet our other Selves out there. One way we can do this is through meditation. Yes, as easy as that if done daily.
Integrating Our Different Personalities
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
October 17, 2023
Ever since the Source created us, we have imbibed so many different personalities that vary in form and level of vibration. In my lectures, I always express the fact that I was once a rock, stone, plant, insect, molecule, and animal before I became a human being.
All these diverse personalities or identities are carried with me today in my blood, cells, genes, DNA, RNA, brain, mind, heart, emotions, lungs, digestive system, and other organs, tissues, and nerves as well as in my subconscious and unconscious minds. They become essential parts of the Self.
However, these diverse parts of my personality are not aligned and fine-tuned with each other. I experience them as parts and pieces that isolate rather than relate to each other.
The reptilian nature is always at odds with my conscientious mind and caring heart. My left and right brain are ever competing with each other for dominance. So with my subconscious, intuition, and gut feelings that surface every now and then, I carry some messages and information that defy my reason and emotion.
Split-level personality is an understatement. We are all familiar with the Johari window. Each of us does not only possess 2 or 3 personalities. To claim that we have only one consistent personality or identity is a clear sign of dishonesty and hypocrisy.
For, in reality, we have countless, multiple, and multidimensional identities within us, each struggling to be recognized. We have earned and experienced these diverse personalities in many different lifetimes. We cannot ignore them. They influence our thoughts, emotions, and visions.
If we accept this as a fact, then, we must learn how to integrate all of these varied personalities so that they act as one whole piece of a bigger piece, or as one single Self where each small part works together as one integral and coherent system. Overall Soul, some say.
The Insider Speaks
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
August 18, 2023
Nestled in the beautiful unspoiled landscapes of pristine elements, I offer a refuge for those seeking a retreat from the outside world. As one enters, silence takes over, transporting one into another realm far removed from the distractions of the secular world.
This inner domain is sacred, sanctified by the Eternal Source, from whom one seeks sanctuary in order to be transformed into a divine person by its grace.
Such divine transformation is achieved in silence and solitude and is experienced through the performance of diverse liturgical services like meditation, prayers, invocations, rosary beads, mantras, songs, dances, offerings, and so on.
The new inside dweller, then, all the more enhances the holiness of the place and deepens its union and communion with the Eternal Source. Eventually, there is no more distinction between the Eternal Source, called God in the four-dimensional world, and the individual dweller, we call the “Self” or “I Am.”
This passing from the exterior to the interior is full of meaning and it’s something spiritual. The inner world becomes a place of spiritual asceticism.
The passage becomes a transition from the physical to the spiritual, from the secular to the divine, from the profane to the divine.
This spiritual transformation and living is reflected in the fervor of the individual as it does its daily household chores like cooking, laundering, ironing, eating, etc. The energy of one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions at the same time sanctifies the external world and the entire living being and becomes reflected in how the individual deals with their office mates, neighbors, surroundings, and society.
Yes, this is an insider’s story as has been told by our ancient ancestors and handed down to us as their most profound legacy. Whether we are doing it as a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jew, Islam, atheist, or other beliefs, cultures, and traditions of indigenous peoples and communities, it does not matter. And it does not also matter if these spiritual services make the individual a Buddhist, Hindu, Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Jew, Christian, Islam, atheist, or all of these beliefs.
The Real Self
Anything we have ascribed to ourselves are earthly constructs, needed in this four- dimensional wall of ours if we are to survive and exist.
We need them, yes, to transact business with governments, schools, churches, mass media. To them, we don’t exist if we can’t identify ourselves properly, backed up with legal documents. We’re non-entities, not worthy of respect and dignity.
Just try to go to a street where you’re not known, camouflaged as a shaggy, dirty, unkempt, and deranged individual and, with a pitying look, begging for alms for your food.
I just remember the ancient knowledge and wisdom saying there are other worlds and dimensions out there where we have other identities. This has been proven to be so by contemporary science.
In fact, ancient texts and scientific discoveries concur there are 12 universes out there. We have multiple realities, multiple dimensions, and also multiple “I’s”, in fact, we have 12 personal identities all-in-all. And we can access and know our Twin Souls or our Other Selves out there in the other dimensions instantaneously and at the same time.
Only those that are impermanent, infinite, and immortal are real. Other identities simply pass by and go away. They are illusions, a product of all those attributes imposed on us from the external world since our birthing here on earth.
Something to reflect.
Our Soul Mates
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – May 11, 2021
The Google dictionary defines a soul mate as “a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.” The moment the two meet, a connection is so strong that one is drawn to the other in a way that one would have never experienced before.
We are a strong believer of soul mates. In one survey, 76% of the respondents believe in soul mates; the remaining 24% do not believe. If we are to extrapolate this finding to include the entire 7.5 billion souls that inhabit the world today, this means that 5.7 billion people believe in soul mates.
There are so many stories telling us how the concept of soul mates originated. Myths have it that a long, long time ago, all people had four legs and two heads. And then the gods split them into two. Each half then had two legs and one head.
The separation, however, triggered a deep longing and yearning for the two to be reunited because they each shared the same soul. Since then, all people have spent their lives searching for the other half of their souls.
In Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs with two faces. They could move both forward and backward and would run by spinning themselves around cartwheel-like on all eight limbs.
Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.
The Chinese folklore tells us of a magical connection between two people that are destined to be soul mates, called “the red string of fate”. This magical umbilical cord can stretch or entangle over time and space, but will never break.
The Chinese sage and mystic Lao Tzu says one soul is the yin (representing the feminine or young), the other soul the yang (masculine or old).
The mystic and medium Edgar Cayce says that, through our soul partner, each of us is provided with an impetus to become whole ourselves.
The Buddhists say that when you meet your soul mate, you will feel calm; there is no anxiety, no agitation. One avid follower says “The immortal soul conveys energy which links in a wave-like motion related to souls, thus soul mates."
These are all myths. But new physics speaks of a parallel phenomenon at the quantum level, as discussed in my yesterday's post.
Believe it or not.
In my case, I hold on to the idea that we are all soul mates or twin souls since we all came from the same Big Soul that blew its breath releasing tiny souls that represent its creatures. These newly released souls then swam in the ocean of space-time in the nascent Cosmos at the speed of light. We are all related and connected to each other even before the beginning of space, time, and matter.
We differ only in our vibrational levels because of our degree of attachment to others, which can be influenced by our age, gender, education, marital status, civil status, social status, profession, race, beliefs, political affiliation, and so on.
Spending five minutes a day alone doing self-reflection in meditative mode is an exercise that can prove this to be true and correct.
If within that short span, you have reached that stage in which you are conscious that you have become oblivious to your gender, race, color, beliefs, and even body, then, it could be a great sign that you are in communion with yourself, your essence, or your spirit which is Consciousness.
You are simply totally aware of yourself, without expecting anything and without being judgmental, except the acceptance of one's emptiness and the awareness of communing with the Self. Your mind has been clipped, not able to wander. It has become non-existent for it has now become an organ of Consciousness, not of the brain.
If one can always maintain this state of Consciousness without any reaction whatsoever to whatever it sees, touches, feels, smells, tastes, and knows, while doing its daily chores or communing with all souls (whether humans, plants, animals, and invisible entities), then, you're in both the 4th and 5th dimensions of existence.
Seeing others as souls and Consciousness also allows one to be in communion with other fellow souls. It is only in this state of mutual and collective Consciousness that one encounters its soul mate.