“A Holotropic Mind Within A Holographic Universe”

18/11/2013 17:39

Our understanding of the universe is only as fine as the “models” we build to explain it to us. Plato likened the universe to a giant bowl, in which the one true god-like a master chef-mixed together the ingrediants of creation. Later, after Newton and up through the Industrial Revolution, the universe was likened to a giant clockwork mechanism, and god was reduced to the role of the Prime Clockmaker, content now to do nothing but watch creation wind down. In the early twentieth century, new wrinkles were added to the fabric of the universe: quantum mechanics, the Uncertainty Principle, and Relativity, to name a few. The old mechanistic, deterministic view of the universe was shattered forever-but what new model do we have not to replace it with? [Read more] ...