Homepage > 10 Amazing Inventions From Nikola Tesla
10 Amazing Inventions From Nikola Tesla
10/06/2013 11:54
by Joe Martino
Perhaps one of Tesla’s most famous inventions deals directly with energy, something that is the talk of many social and political conversations and something that could be free to everyone if we used Nikola Tesla’s invention. Over the years, as more and more people begin to recognize the game being played in our society, Nikola Tesla and his story has been becoming more and more popular. This is natural as the increase in people educating themselves outside of the education system leads them to amazing bits of information that otherwise stay hidden. A perfect example are the inventions below which I came across when reading an article on Activist Post about some amazing inventions from Tesla. All of these inventions do and coule make a huge impact on our lives. [Read more] ...