Hitchhiking Alien Microbes and the Solar Magnetic Shutdown

04/10/2013 10:20

by Zen Gardner

We’re in quite a time in galactic history. Not only are we passing through several major alignments of massive scale and significance, but mainstream scientists are finding their paradigms crumbling as whole schools of so-called scientific understanding get blown out by new findings and ways of thinking. - See more at: https://www.zengardner.com/hitchhiking-alien-microbes-and-the-solar-magnetic-shutdown/#sthash.1p9ht1X3.dpuf

We're in quiet a time of galactic history. Not only are we passing through several alignments of massive scale and significance, but mainstream scientists are finding their paradigms crumbling as whole schools of of so-called understanding get blown out by new findings and ways of thinking. [Read more] ...



by Zen Gardner

We’re in quite a time in galactic history. Not only are we passing through several major alignments of massive scale and significance, but mainstream scientists are finding their paradigms crumbling as whole schools of so-called scientific understanding get blown out by new findings and ways of thinking.

- See more at: https://www.zengardner.com/hitchhiking-alien-microbes-and-the-solar-magnetic-shutdown/#sthash.1p9ht1X3.dpuf