We are Done with Civilization 1.0: A Planetary Culture is What Comes Next !

04/11/2013 10:35
A new culture that transcends national boundaries, traditional political affiliations, religious beliefs, nationalism, and ethnicity is beginning to make its presence felt around the world.  Amidst the ongoing decay of the Current World System a new found vision is coming to light. - See more at: https://emergent-culture.com/a-new-global-culture-is-taking-shape-earth-changes-occupy-wall-street-planetary-culture-ows-ows-global-citizen/#sthash.anZ87i4s.dpuf

A new culture that transcends national boundaries, traditional political affiliations, religious beliefs, nationalism, and ethnicity is beginning to make its presence felt around the world.  Amidst the ongoing decay of the Current World System a new found vision is coming to light.


A new culture that transcends national boundaries, traditional political affiliations, religious beliefs, nationalism, and ethnicity is beginning to make its presence felt around the world.  Amidst the ongoing decay of the Current World System a new found vision is coming to light. [Read more] ...